Though I must confess, it's going to be hard to see Summer go. Not that it's ever easy, but I'm not looking forward to letting go of the sound of lawn mowers or bright green grass or eating outside...ugh, my heart just aches thinking about it. Luckily it's been quite balmy the past few weeks which has allowed the feeling of Summer to linger and bit longer. I talked with my neighbor this morning in the shade of her maple tree, I drive with the windows down, I marvel at how beautiful and warm the light is at dusk (my favorite time of day). And my goodness, don't we just live in such a beautiful place? How can you not swell with gratitude when the world is bathed in that sunny light?
In a way it feels that Summer just got here, it's not fair for it to leave so soon...

...but we sure enjoyed it while it stayed.
I wasn't missing Utah until this post. I was missing YOU, and my family and such, but not Utah.
Whew. Okay. I live a mile from the beach, I live a mile from the beach, I live a mile from the beach....
I could almost smell the air in that picture of the sprinkler. I love summer, but I too love fall. At least we have had a great Indian Summer to enjoy!
Ahh how I miss fall. I am however looking forward to cooler awesome the-reason-people-live-in-Phoenix weather. You should come visit!
Gorgeous photos!
I am MORE than ready for summer to hit the road! Go away JERK! I'm tired of sweating when I walk outside to get the mail! Stinkin Vegas! Adorable pics btw....
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