

Modcloth.com. I love this site. They have great clothes and trinkets, really unique and vintage-y pieces. It's so great. Every now and again, however, they present a ginormous failure.

Case. in. point.
Can someone PLEASE explain how this got past the board???....no pun intended. Who approved this? WHO actually pitched this idea and more importantly, who chimed in with, "You know what I've always wanted to feel like at the pool? Wood panelling..."?!? I mean, what's the draw? "Now you can wear wood without getting a sliver!" and we're all cheering, "ahh, FINALLY!!"

Is it for people who can't swim? "The suit that helps you float!". Someone actually looked at this and said, "Hmm, it's missing something..." Not style or self-worth or anything like that, no - it was missing a red belt and plastic heart buckle. Mwah! Perfection!

Really, Modcloth? Take my advice - skip the pool and just dive into a fire.

(I have now decided that I need to create like 4 publicity posters for this atrocity...stay tuned).


{lizzythebotanist} said...

wow. i'm a huge fan of wood-grain and even i'm throwing up in my mouth at that one. and the red belt + heart? seriously? i mean, there is just not one thing right with this number. the cut, the color, the whole thing is a trainwreck. can't wait for your posters.

Tayva said...

Julia--listen to your mother: You've GOT to publish! That post was pure poetry. And the best part? Everything you said was SO TRUE. It was hysterical! I love you a million times. Definitely send this to Modcloth and seriously think about writing a column. XOXO

Brian said...

Jewels, I've told you before, I'm telling you again: you need to get into professional entertainment. It took me a long time to read this post because I had to stop so many times to laugh! You are the best!

Actually, you're a brat. But you're the best brat!


Kim said...

Julia, You absolutely crack me up! You have my vote on the posters!

Brian said...
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Randi Patch said...

Rich and I are laughing out loud right now! That is the most ridiculous suit EVER! You are so hilarious by the way!!