We all arrived late Tuesday night sans Scott and Andrea (who were arriving the next evening). Wednesday was super mellow - we just ate and rested, we worked on the boat and finally headed out on the water to do some surfing that evening. Marty and Jess brought their new baby girl, Penny. How cute is she in her life vest?
I married a cowboy.
It was seriously the most beautiful night...these pictures don't even capture how pink everything was.
We wakeboarded and surfed until the sun went down!
Sad story? I have NO pictures of our fun times on Thursday night. We had a dance off between couples to 'Just Dance' and it was HILARIOUS. My parents even got in on it, they dance a mean Charleston. Rest assured, it was epic. And it's probably best that I don't have photographic proof.
Friday was yet another lazy day that was totally dominated by this miserable puzzle. Andrea is always so great at bringing a challenging puzzle for us to do, but this year I think she went too far.
It took us forever to finish it. There was much murmuring and swearing.
We deserved a reward, so we took a boat ride to the marina for some ice cream.
The gnats are always a problem, but for some reason they were relentless at this beach. We hung this lovely lamp in the kitchen every night...
While listening to the sizzling deaths, we played some fantastic tunes on Guitar Hero. 'You Give Love A Bad Name' is always a boat favorite, and this year we rocked out to 'The Final Countdown' which we were all singing and laughing to. Ah man, I love my family.

Saturday we headed out to find a cool canyon hike. And when it comes to buns, size doesn't matter.
Turns out our hike was under water. But not to be discouraged! It made for some beautiful pictures and a fun ride up some really narrow canyons...

The tiniest frog in the world!
Back in his wee hole.
Marty, our fearless explorer...
...was actually feigning fearless.
When we got back to the boat, Rich and Randi were on dinner so we did some evening surfing.

Cody is the cowboy, so I guess Scott is the bandit?
Sunday we had a family lesson taught by my Dad. He's a wise man, friends. The lesson was really great and we had some wonderful spiritual moments on the top of the boat. It was just incredible! I mean, really. I can't even convey how grateful I am for my wonderful family. LOVE them.
We did some crafting during the afternoon. Andrea and Randi brought some tea towels and we spent a few hours painting and sewing our own designs. I must do this on my own, it was so fun and how cool to create your own towels for your kitchen?
Our finished towels:
Monday we headed back to the slip, Scott and Andrea had to leave that day. We stopped at the marina for some treats before sending them off. Mmmm, lime pops.

The rest of us didn't have to leave until the next morning, so to extend the fun as long as possible we went out on the boat and did some surfing in the channel until it was almost too dark to see.

Some weird old dude...
The sky was awesome.
I love Rich's face in this picture.
Jess and Penny!
We watched 'Sherlock Holmes' before going to bed. The next morning we packed up and cleaned the boat. Right before we left the boat I had to take some pictures of the water...peoples, it's so beautiful.

My heart just ached, I hate the thought of leaving the Lake and not going back until next Summer. I have to find a way back! I have to go one more time! These trips are so important to all of us and we all look forward to them every year. I love Lake Powell. I LOVE MY FAMILY. I love this trip.

(PS - I just called my Dad about available dates for the houseboat... looks like I'll find a way to the Lake one more time after all!!).
Please bless I can be a Patch someday. Or somehow sneak onto one of the Lake Powell trips in Julia's bag. Or just show up one time without a way home so they have to let me on the boat.
I love your family. I'm so glad you guys get to do this every year.
Great post, Juls!!! Love you.
You and your family are hilarious!! What I wouldn't give to have witnessed the couple dance off!! What a fun trip! I have still never been to Powell... Duane says we will take care of that first thing when I move back! ha ha!
So fun! Thank you for taking pictures! I want to go back:)
Take me with you!!! Will you feel sorry for me if I tell you that I've NEVER been to Lake Powell...like EVER!
Sad huh? Chris says it would be the perfect spot for me, since I'm a cold water hater. So if you're ever thinking "Gosh I'd love to take some friends down to Lake Powell but I just don't know who to invite" have no fear, you can call me, you know that girl you've met like twice but are total bff's with.
Was that a long enough comment? Ha!
Thanks for the post. It was fun, fresh and inFormative. What an awesome family!! ;)
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