My parents are in Lake Powell, but a movie that my Mom is in opens this weekend. Return with Honor opens tonight and I hope it does well!

I'm feeling a bit exhausted. I feel like I've been really lucky with this new baby - he eats like a champion and sleeps a lot. Sometimes he'll only wake up twice in the night, around 1:00am and then at 6:00am or something. However, last night was the hardest night for me so far. Cole woke up every 1 1/2 hours fussing, needing to eat. Now, fellow Mothers out there will tell you that after you have fed and changed said baby, it takes a few minutes for them to become tired again and fall back asleep. So by the time I would get him settled in and asleep, I would sleep for maybe 45 minutes before I would have to get up again. Cody came home this morning after working for 72 hours, but then had to leave to do a work thing until about 2:00. He took Cache with him, which was nice - but Cole was really fussy this morning and I wasn't able to sleep or rest much. Oh, did I mention that I think I'm getting sick? Fantastic. There is something I'm looking forward to - Cody has a Firefighter convention in Vegas on Monday and Tuesday next week, so Sunday we are driving down and I get to spend some time with my sister! We are going to put together our Halloween party invitations and a myriad of other things. I also get to use her pool which is a huge plus! Hopefully I'll be able to rest some more today and feel better by tomorrow - I'll also have to post some pictures of...(drum roll) our new car!!
Awww! HE looks nothing like he did mere days ago...kids are crazy like that! SO CUTE!!
I'm glad the weekend is here too! Cole is gorgeous . . . he looks so much like Cache!
I hope you have a better night tonight. Love you more than words can say!
sorry bout the rough night-those are no fun. we got lucky with nash as well, which is awesome, except that i'm afraid if i get a "normal" baby next time i might kill him (or her) because i'm still not used to crying and stuff. anyway, sounds like you have a fun little break ahead, so hopefully andrea will let you sleep in! have fun!!! i get to go to powell this week (for my FIRST TIME EVER!!!) i'm so excited. maybe i'll see tayvatheceleb on her boat and score an autograph!
He is so cute...the spitting image of Cache! Have fun in Vegas!
I have to agree with everyone who posted...he looks just like Cache. I really feel for you on the no sleep thing. Emma was a mess! She had colic and Brent was working 80-90 hr weeks in residency and NONE of the hours were consistant. Bridges were dreamed of often j/k (sort of) hehehe. Anyway, if he turn out to have colic or if you just want a good read...I swear by the "happiest baby on the block" now. I also loved and still use "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". Anyway, I'm sure that was more than you even wanted and rather you felt better right after you wrote about it.
As for the race...that's so cool! My husband is into biking, but I am more of a runner. A "Never to even attempt a marathon, EVER" type runner. :)
Take care and the fam is "wicked" cute as they would say in Boston.
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