Phew - made it just before midnight! My apologies for my lateness in posting What am I loving right now?

Ah yes, this will be an "Ode to Code", if you will. Obviously, I love him all the time but I must tell you why I am so lucky to have this handsome man. Cody has always been so great at taking care of me - no question. However, this was proven to me this last week more than ever. Since we have been home with our new baby, Cody has been taking on all the responsibilities of the house. He cooks, cleans, runs errands, keeps Cache happy and dotes on me (what girl doesn't love that?). He has been patient and thoughtful and willing to do whatever needs to be done to make this transition easy for me. He is a prince, and he's
my prince. I love him so much - he's my best friend and confidant. There is no question that I would be lost without him! Normally I would tell you where to purchase or find the item I display on my "WILM" posts, but this week? I think I will keep this allllll to myself. I love you, Code!!
And yes, another thing I am loving. No, no. 'loving' isn't the best description. Hmmm, another thing I am OBSESSING over:

People. Seriously. Have you read this books? I have been hearing about this series for months (as I'm sure most of you have). I was sort of interested, but I hadn't done anything about it until I went into Barnes and Noble a few days before I had the baby. I was going to buy a 'Consumer Reports' mag and saw this huge display devoted to these lovely novels (what constitutes the title 'novel'? Anyone?). I opted to purchase the first book to read while in the hospital - waiting to purchase the other two books until I was certain I would actually be interested in reading them. Funny thing? I don't read. I mean...I
can read, I just normally choose not to. I finished the first book (AND LOVED IT) on Sunday night and honestly could not WAIT to get my hands on the second and third ones! Last night, Cody and I decided to go out for shakes and I asked him if he wouldn't mind stopping by the bookstore so I could buy the rest of the series. I should probably mention that last night we had a huge thunderstorm. Pouring rain, lightning, booming thunder...awesome stuff. So we grab our shakes (fear not, we had our boys with us, too), drive to the Mall near our house and Cody runs in to buy my books. He comes out soaked and empty-handed, then says, "They were sold out, but I think we could buy them at Borders". So we drive 15 minutes to Borders, Cody runs in, still soaked, and comes out with books in hand. Now do you see why I love this man?
I finished the 2nd book to-day. Fabulous! I loved it! It was intense, romantic, I was freaked out, I wept (no lie), I just loved it. I called my sister right after I was done to gush and go over details. She finished the series a few weeks ago and I love talking to her about it! I begin the 3rd book tomorrow...or perhaps,
HAHAHA. I love that you made a point to mention that you CAN read. Ahahah. I'm dying over here. Tears. Laughter tears.
And Cody is amazing. Seriously. I'm so glad for you that your husband is SO amazing. Not that I ever thought you'd settle for anything less than amazing :D But he's perfect and we all adore him.
Aren't little Daddy's the greatest! You have the world with your three little men!
Cody is such a great guy...I was glad to see the Ode to Code!
Also, those books are such a guilty pleasure of mine...I started the third one yesterday!
I must say that it feels like Eclipse is just in the air, Everyoe I know is just breathing these books in and can't get enough! I am in the middle of Eclipse right now, and it is good, but I have to admit that I liked the first two a little bit more! I was totaly like you though, I could'nt wait to put Avy down for a nap so that I could keep reading!
loved twilight but i can't get myself to actually spend money on the rest of the series---so i wait.....cody IS a good little guy-stevie (bless his heart) would never think to go to borders if B&N was sold out. you are one lucky mama.
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