"Cough", *sniff sniff* "Cough'. Those are the sounds one would hear a lot of around the Jolley household this weekend. The sickies finally caught up with me and I was out for the count yesterday. I don't think I had the Flu, but it certainly feels more than a Cold. Ugh, I SO hate being sick - I'm not a good sick person. I get so frustrated at the Health Gods for leaving me to fend of the Virus Demons. Not to mention that yesterday was the most beautiful day of the season thus far - I heard the temp was around 70 (hey, that's good for us this time of year), it was clear and gorgeous ALL day. Where was I? Sprawled on my couch trying to survive on snippets of oxygen that were struggling to get through my swollen nostrils. "Snifitughitifiiffffffff". Misery, I tell you.
Luckily I'm feeling a bit better today, and the weather is supposed to be most agreeable - how shall I spend my day? Weed my flower beds? Buy a hanging plant for my front porch? Lounge in the sun? Take Cache to the park? It's funny what a promise of a Sunny Day will do to you. It's like, "Quick!! Get outside! Get something done!! Hurry! Who knows when we'll see the Sun again!!"
With that, I am now off to get ready for the day - lets see where this Sunshine will take me!
YaY sUNshinE!
I'm so glad you're feeling better. I hate being sick!
Are you better today?! I hope so; Oh, I'll just quit typing and call you. . .! Love, Mommy
Sorry your sick...looks like you at least got a good vacation in there first though. My mom caught a cold this week from an old lady sitting next to her in the temple! lol. That's life I guess.
I hate being sick and a mom. I Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the little comment on my blog. I love it.
I am so sorry you were sick, I don't do well sick either!! I think we are starting to get it. Ryan is going down...hopefully it skips me!! Today was so wonderful though, I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it!!
I hope you're feeling better. Monday was GOOOORGEOUS! I definately had to get in the dirt some. And btw, you didn't say what kind of fabulous jeans you bought. I have a love affair with jeans!
I also have a love affair with jeans. But, they're so jelous and demand so much of my time. Plus, I think Tanya suspects something. I better break things off before my jeans develop a fatal attraction.
hey jewels! Long time no see! I found your blog off of Lisa's! I hope you are feeling better! You have an adorable family! Hope to see you soon at the 10 year!
Love ya
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