
Vacation Blues

I had a fab time with Kate last weekend!  We ate at some delicious venues, talked like adults and delved into such conversation topics like politics and religion, lounged poolside and stayed up late laughing our heads off!  The mornings?  Ah, the mornings were rough.  Nothing like a soda hangover to make you regret your decisions from the night before.  She was the greatest hostess ever and her new home is simply beautiful!!  Did I mention it was 85 degrees there?  Here are some pictures from my toasty trip -

First, I have to mention how beautiful Phoenix is this time of year - I totally get why my sister LOVES the desert.  All the cactus were in bloom and these gorgeous bougainvillea are everywhere - my favorite!
"Reunited and it feels so good..."
Ahhh, enjoying the warmth of the Sun.  Kate was enthralled in the 'Sex Q&A' Cosmo had to offer (kidding, can't get mad)
We went shopping Saturday afternoon and Kate was bound and determined to find some great jeans.  Our dressing room resembled a denim outfit Dolly Parton would wear.  It was all worth it - we both found some sassy pants.
See?  Shopping damage.  We shouldn't be allowed out together.  Kate hit the holy trinity of shopping - shirts, jeans and shoes.
The tools of the trade
Before going out on Saturday night
Entirely too much food...which is obvious since I look like a walrus in this picture.  But so delish!
This picture pretty much sums up what we did all weekend!  And I should send this picture to my dentist, he would be proud.

It's sad that we can no longer party like it's 1999.  We're getting a bit old, we're at that age where naps are a fantastic way to spend an afternoon.  We did try - we did stay up late and we tried really hard to keep our hyper winds going as long as possible.  Turns out that no matter how convincing I am at acting like I'm 17, my body isn't cool with it.   It has taken me days to recover from that trip - that whole exhausted, downer feeling you get when you come home from vacation.  

This weekend has taught me something - something that I am going to try to start doing for my own personal health.  I need to go to bed earlier.  Honestly, why in the world do I stay up so late?  I don't sleep well when Cody is working, but I still need to get to bed before 1:00am or 2:00am.  Case in point - because of my recent late nights, I am getting sick - puffy throat, runny nose, your typical lame-a cold.  When I woke up this morning with chalk-mouth (due to sleeping with my mouth open.  Hot, right?), stuffy nose and the feeling of glass shards in my throat when I swallow, I realized that something needed to change.  I'm sure it's the same feeling an addict gets waking up naked in a random hotel room.  No?  Too far?  Well anyway, it's time that I get some more sleepies.  

Before I sign off, the painting in my room is nearly done!  Normally I would post some "during" photos of the project, but lemme esplain - our walls were painted this...kind of...moss/mint green with avocado trim.  And to answer your question, no - I have no idea what we were thinking when we painted it.  We are now painting a lovely, warm tan with dark brown trim and an orange accent wall (just trust me on this, it will look good...Oh dear, I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me).  I have only finished the main walls, so the trim remains all fiesta dippy.  In case you were wondering, tan and mint don't look great together.  I will hopefully finish this evening, but we can't have a project interfering with my bedtime now, can we?  


HaLaine said...

Walrus my ath. You guys look HOT!

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahahaha those pictures are awesome. It was so great having you here. I miss you like crazy already! Come back soon . . . maybe June???

The UnMighty said...

What did the 'Sex Q&A' Cosmo have to offer? Anything noteworthy?

Sarah said...

Julia- I know exactly how you feel. Brian works nights and I stay up so late on the days he works. Why? I have no idea. I just can't get in bed before midnight! And the funny thing is that when he's home you'd think I'd want to stay up and spend time with him...nope. I'm in bed at 10:30. Glad to hear I'm not the only lonely wife up all night!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great trip! I love that we were down there at the same time enjoying the weather and great shopping!

Mark said...

:) I'm glad you had a great trip. Now go get some sleep.