Ahhh, Prom. I went out to dinner with Hannah and Tanya last night only to realize that it was, in fact, Prom Night. So many dresses! So many flowers! So many beads! The air was thick with perfume, hairspray and Clearasil. All the girls sizing each other up, the boys slapping fives looking a bit uncomfortable in their tuxes.

It's crazy to think that my Junior Prom was 11 years ago! What the...so crazy. I had been looking forward to Prom since I found out what it was. And luckily my Prom was fantastic - it was perfect. The boy of my dreams asked me and I was SO ecstatic! I'd had a crush on Greg forever and we had recently become pals. He asked me with a dozen roses and I could not wait for the dance. I had a dress made and it had to be red - who didn't want to dance to "Lady In Red" whilst wearing a red dress? Hello? Just me? He took me 4-wheeling during the day at the sand dunes. It was SO much fun - I had never been and it was such a blast. When he dropped me off I got all gussied and glam (well...glam for 1997 anyway). Greg showed up looking quite dapper in his tux. His bow tie and vest matched my dress - not to mention the red convertible in the driveway! We went to dinner and then finally made our appearance at the dance. It was at the County Courthouse and once you arrive, you sort of line up and they read off your names. You then proceed to walk down the steps of the courthouse arm in arm. Families show up and take pictures - it's kind of a big deal. Greg and I danced all evening and then just before we were about to leave, he dedicated "Lady In Red" for me. Could you die?? I almost did. We got ice cream with our friends before he dropped me off. I remember going to sleep that night knowing that I'd just had the best night ever.
Greg and I continued to hang out and we eventually became best friends - there was a big group of us that always hung out during High School. I have many fond memories of riding around in Clint's jeep and swimming at Amy's almost every day during the Summer. Nothing really romantic ever happened with Greg and I until after High School, but even then we realized we were just too good of friends. Greg and I are still friends to this day - we are trying to get together for a BBQ, hopefully that will happen soon!
So tell me, BC fans - who was your Prom Date? Spill...
I totally remember him asking you, and your response. Sheesh...11 years ago, that is crazy. So...I went to Prom with Brad Anderson. We had a blast and just like you and Greg, we still are friends. We even hung out several times after his mission. As friends though.
I am the lamest person. I think I have blocked some of those memories out! I can't remember much of my prom, I am not even quite sure who I went with! Oh well. My brother had his Prom on Saturday and although I couldn't make it to the 10:00 p.m Promenade - I'm sure he had a great time!
My prom date was well, you know him David Nye (your one night stand ha ha)I think about that and the day you told us about him and laugh so hard. How funny! Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my blog you are always so good with words and it brought a lot of comfort to me. Thanks
Your boyfriend.
hee hee... Okay, do you guys remember who i went with...Dan Alred, he was so hot and cool and tall and I was just in heaven when he had the whole lacross team ask me to the prom with him... I remember that we went to Lagoon for our day activity and he won a stuffed animal for me at one of the game things, how romantic... the actual dance was so fun and it was just one of those times in a young girls life that will always be remembered.... good times
my prom date was so gorgeous and we had such a blast. I was so excited to have her on my arm and to dance with her. You may remember her. Her name is Kristen. She must have had a good time too. She's now...my wife.
This was like reading a short story script. Complete with the "Where are they now?" paragraph at the end. :)
My favorite prom date was with Doug Forcheski. We had such a blast! You'll have to surf on over to my page. After your challenge, I blogged all about it. Ahh, to be 16 again!
Um I paid for my own prom because I didn't want to go with Mr. Battleguard who asked me . . . then no one else did because he did . . .
BUT, senior year Brad Munoa called me up last minute and said that we should go and I cried I was so happy. Janna Cloward loaned me the most beautiful dress and it was awesome.
And Katy, I so remember you and Dan. We hung out with you afterwards!!!
Mike Ross, I remember him coming to my door REALLY FAR in advance and was in a tux and had a rose and asked me to go to prom and I was so young and we were friends, but I had no romantic interest and I felt so awkward. We had fun thought. My dress was aqua and my mom made it. I remember we went to eat at Magelbys! YUMMMY!
sorry I was logged in as hubby! The above comment was from McCall!
I totally remember this night for you too. It really was a perfect night. I remember looking over at you at dinner and thinking it couldn't have happened more perfectly for you. I love it. I love it.
A bottle of Jack and a hand-full of pills. Thanks for the painful memories.
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