This little plan of mine has it's drawbacks. Obviously, I don't always get to take the time to clean every room in my house in one go. I have to settle on cleaning the main living areas of the house - the Kitchen, Family Room, etc. I sincerely hope that I'm not the only woman who feels like she doesn't travel the cleaning highway as much as she would like. I do try! Life gets in the way and our fairytale schedules go out the window. And it affects everything! I will get inspired to go create something, but my crafting dreams get cut short when I think about all the other things that should be done first and I ALWAYS end up at the Master Bathroom. Everything comes down to that. Create = clean off art table = clean up basement = clean house = start in the Master Bathroom.
So what am I doing about it? I am doing a deep clean of my house and I am at the starting line. I cleaned out my bathroom drawers today, a daunting task that involved some high-pitched, "Oh, I do have a nail file!" and "why do I have so many bobby pins?". I have much more to do (Cole is napping, thus I am taking a blogging break), but it's official - I am on a mission to get my house in order. I will whip this house into shape so that when I have the desire to go down to my art table and create something, I can actually produce something! Not just a sparkling clean Master Bathroom.
I always have to start with the kitchen and family room. Those are the main areas and the ones that if guests pop in, I want to be the cleanest. I move on to the bedrooms and unfortunately, by the time I get to my bed and bath, I'm pooped! I feel your pain though. I've dedicated one day a week to deep cleaning. For example, Monday's are kitchen and laundry room. Tuesdays are bathrooms, Wednesdays are bedrooms, etc. This is the time when I can dust and get the little things done that I can't do on a normal day. Sometimes my plan works... sometimes it doesn't!
Woohooo! You got the fevah! The cleaning fe-vah! I'm so impressed with what you have already gotten done.
My master bathroom is the room that tends to be neglected. I always start with the rooms that people can see, if they just so happen to stop by. The front room, the great room, the kitchen. Then work my way to the bedrooms and the hall bathroom. My bathroom, sadly, gets put to the side. You would think I would pay special attention to this room, since I spend so much time in it!
Good luck with your deep cleaning!
believe it or not, when we moved into this house we had that EXACT sink and toilet. only in pink, not salmon. we got rid of those pretty darn fast, but we still have the pink tile. i'll be posting a pic soon since i just finished the decorating in there.
as for cleaning. my bedroom is the last, if at all, cleaned. problem is that i don't have enough room for everything so i just give up. it's embarrassing. i can't wait to have room for a dresser. the joys of tiny houses...
I also start in my MB. And mine looks nothing like that either. Life is so unfair!
When I get the cleaning bug, wherever I'm standing is where it gets hit, sadly. I have a total OCD pattern in the shower and getting ready but cleaning? Nope.
BUT -- when I get the fever, I clean like CRAZY. I just cleaned out all the kitchen drawers, pantry, fridge and freezer . . . then I oiled the cabinets. Um, What?
I bounce from one place to another cleaning---first I pick up---then I try to go back and do a bit of thorough cleaning----but I am totally ADHD, so I seem to never get it all done at once.
I usually only clean the bathrooms about twice a month---creepy, I know, but I don't have any one coming to visit and my kids are almost all gone---so it is only for me! (my husband doesn't notice the difference, bless his heart)
Great post. Great post. You wrapped it all up so neatly. I especially loved all the equal signs. That is so how I function.
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