

Instead of posting the traditional tribute to the outstanding Mom's in my life, I'm going to talk about why I love being a Mom.  I know we all have days where we don't want to get out of bed and get our kids dressed, or give them baths and handle all their questions.  But there are some golden days - days where you feel like you totally have it together and you truly believe that being a Mom is the best thing in the entire world.

I love the first few weeks after having a baby.  For me, it was just me and the little guy - hanging out, sleeping, eating...relaxing.  That 'together' time is awesome.

I love that my boys want to be where I am.  Naturally, this can also drive me NUTS.  No matter where I run to hide or escape, they always seem to find me.  And when they do they latch on to my legs...

After they get hurt I am the first one they run to for comfort.

I love covering their clean little bodies with lotion after a bath.

I love tickling them so much that they are laughing hysterically...which in turn makes me laugh hysterically.

The things they say are priceless.

I love to sing with my boys.

I love being able to introduce them to so many things.

I also love that I am surrounded by so many wonderful women who are great examples to me.  Even those who don't yet have children influence me in so many ways.  Women like my sister who is a marvel to behold with her 3 kids.  Women like Ann who is expecting her first little baby next month and all the other women in between.  None of us know what we're doing, but somehow we all get through the craziness and relish in the radical moments of motherhood.  Mom's rock.  Happy Mother's Day!


Auntie Ann said...

Happy Mother's day to you! I cant wait for our little guys to play together...trouble.

Unknown said...

Ahhh' so sweet! I have to agree with you on what you love about mommyhood. I also love their creativity especially when they make you something. I love that they love you so much back, and love to give kisses and hugs. I love that they can be so silly and goofy. I love that they always want to impress you and make you proud. Just the little things you clap and compliment them on, just makes them beam and makes them so happy. I love cuddles and story time too! Have a GREAT mothers DAY!

Shawn said...

I can tell that you adore those boys---I totally understand!

I absolutely love it when they are babies, and they are snuggled up next to us in bed----its amazing!

Happy Mother's Day, cutie!

Rhonda Can't Help You said...

Moms DO rock...and you're one of my favs. Get here now!