How could I forget to post pictures of the Grand Jolley's! Here we are in our attire...
The Mad Hatter and The Queen of Hearts.
Allow me to tell you tale about the costume I'm wearing. A few weeks ago I bought ample amounts of red and white tulle to create a flowy, puffy skirt. In my mind, you see, it was going to be ever-so-simple to create. "Just gather the top", I said, "and cover it with glittery hearts and playing cards...". I even planned to tie large, red ribbon bows on my shoes. "Brilliant!" I told myself. As the days drew nearer to my festive event, I reassured myself that my costume could be made in an hour or two, no big deal. After all, I had already planned on just gluing frills to a t-shirt, how hard could the skirt be?
Ridiculously hard. Make no mistake! Your creative mind will lure into a tender trap and then rip you to shreds! My procrastination got the best of me (when does it not?) and an hour before the party, I had a frothy mess of tulle and net - not to mention wet hair and no make up. I told Cody that I had to do something else, dress up as something totally different - I had no choice! Just then I remembered I had a flowy skirt in my costume closet that just might work...I threw it on and it actually paired well with my glue-project t-shirt. Some extra red net and ribbons were added to the back and it seemed to work. I asked Cody to find my Marie Antoinette wig and since it was way up in the attic, he brought back his George Washington wig. "Really?" I stated. "I look like a total dude". Ah, not so! For I simply swung the back ponytail to the side and voila! I finished my make up, added black gloves, made a crown out of red glittery pipe cleaners...and my costume was complete. 5 minutes before the party, I was dressed.

What happened to the tulle skirt mess?
And I take back what I said before, tulle will not always save you.
Fantastic costume!! You guys rocked those costumes---and I adore the wig!!
Love your costume, you look fab. Gorg, FAB. you did a fab. job too on all your spook decor. lOVE THE FRAMEd skeleton with the bats, and all your cute apothocary jars filled with candy. Looks like it was great!
The picture of the tulle in the trash is the BEST part! I love it. And Cody? Handsome as always (sigh); your man sure knows how to wear a costume!!XO
I hate it when you come up with a genius idea and then it flops! Happens to me ALL of the time. But I gotta tell ya... I love your costume! So creative! And I'm totally impressed that your husband wore knickers (sp?) and high socks. My husband would be pitching a fit.
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