Last night was the Halloween Party at PGFD and it was a complete blast! Everyone really gets into it and sports the greatest costumes. It was a little hectic - I help decorate for the party each year and since the Dept. doesn't have any spooky decor, me and Tami (another fire wife that helps out) have to bring our own stuff. We pretty much un-decorate our houses so we can decorate for the fire party. Aren't we noble?
Cody and I decided only a few days before the party what we were going to be, so here you go - Bret Michaels and his Rock of Love
Cody looked pretty great, I must admit. Eye liner and lip gloss? Isn't he a sport? I should probably keep my 'Rock of Love' backstage pass...and that pink hair.
Here are some other great costumes! Drew and Dana...
Tad and Tami
Jason and Aubrey
The Department
Showing thigh was really popular that night, so the ladies obliged.
Great party! Now I just have to put all my decorations back...
This morning I woke up all kinds of excited! Halloween weekend!! I got Cache dressed in his costume and he was super excited for his Halloween Party at Pre School. Sir Cache complete with slain dragon.
Doesn't he look great? Cache could never make up his mind about what he wanted to dress up as this year. He would go back and forth between a scary spider, a mummy, a monster, a transformer and a pop tart. Yes, friends, a breakfast pastry. I nearly died when he told me that, I was laughing so hard. And who am I to wreck his dream? Cody and I planned out how to make it and I was actually excited to see it all put together... then he changed his mind. Ah, well. There's always next year!
I have certainly spread myself pretty thin this month, but saturating yourself in any Holiday is always fun. Tomorrow I am hosting a Halloween Party for some of Cache's friends and I'm so excited! Then it's time for Trick-or-Treating...and a week off.
Is that skirt for adults?
dude! you put my ugly faced picture up! I thought we took another picture for a reason!:)
POP TART. Love that kid.
Love the PGFD photos--a whole backdrop for the costumes and everything; very swanky! But I'm loving the brave knight and dead dragon photo. I want that one! (The dead beast is FABULOUS) XO
I loved that Cache has a dead dragon to go with his costume. Awesome!
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