The weather this weekend? Downright balmy! Well, as balmy as it can get in March. We had a blast doing family things this weekend, starting with getting Cache ready for school on Friday. They are learning about the letter 'U' in preschool and Friday was 'Ugly Bug' day (stay with me). Cache had to dress up in ugly clothes and look like an ugly bug. U.B. and I have never met, so I had to improvise. He looked hilarious...and he loved his outfit.
That afternoon we hit some thrift stores in search of a cool, old rocking chair. We came up empty-handed, but it's always fun to peruse random trinkets.

After lunch I headed home to find this in the backyard.

Saturday's show was great - Rhonda and my parents came! Always a bit more nervous when you know people in the audience. My mom hugged me after the show and just wept, bless her little tender heart. My sister might fly in to see the show this week (because I'm that awesome), my ward is coming to see it on Thursday night and Cody and the fire crew might come this week, too. Yeah, no pressure.
Yesterday was so relaxing, how I adore Sunday evenings at home with my family. I can't wait until it's warm enough to have dinner outside on our deck. Hopefully the weather continues to warm up, those days may not be too far off...I think we're going to start remodeling our kitchen this week! If you have a sledgehammer, feel free to stop by.
The cravat's a picture. I swear you been takin' lessons!
Okay, FIRST---Bethany your comment made me laugh out loud! (Well, a lady-like guffah) I'm happy every time I think of it. Next, the boys on the 4-wheeler are too handsome for words, but I do love the ugly bug outfit. I think I need an 8 x 10. I loved the show and loved you in it. Hugs and kisses, Mom
Tayva, you're in luck!
Laughing out loud is not only allowed, it's encouraged. ;)
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