Ahhh, Fall. So much to do to get ready for Winter. We've had a busy couple of days taking advantage of the glorious warm weather. Remember all the firewood we cut a few weeks ago? Cody has been chopping it up whenever he can. The pile has dwindled down quite a bit, but there's still a pretty good amount left. This past weekend we started stacking the logs...we have quite the supply!

Those stacks in front of the shed are a little bit taller than Cody. The other side of the shed might have a stack that high when we're done...looks like we'll have many roaring fires this year! I'm thinking of giving away fire logs for Christmas presents...like a yule log. Is that lame? "Merry Christmas! Here's some wood."

Just after Halloween, Cache was named 'Star Student' for the week at his school. He was asked to make a poster board to showcase some of his favorite things...which basically meant
I had to make it. Late Sunday night I got started so it would be ready for Cache to take to school Monday morning. We woke up early so he could color in the pictures and the dinosaur. He loved being 'line leader' and got to take a special show and tell item every day. He now has his poster hanging on his door.

The weather has been SO nice! Halloween night was cold and rainy, but the first week of November was down-right balmy. Sunny days and warm temps, just marvy. We even had a BBQ! It was nice grilling chicken and smelling the charcoal smoke (Mmm, I love it). We removed the jack-o-lanterns from the porch but as promised, here's my Autumnal entrance:

All those pumpkins have been great sports, they've been out there for weeks. We have so many! I love it.
There is a big tree in our neighbor's yard that turns the most gorgeous orange color every Fall. It peeks over our fence so we get a few leaves that the boys love to play in. Since the weather has been so nice and warm, they're out there every day in their leaf pile.

The weather finally turned yesterday - it was FREEZING. I think it's supposed to snow this week! Sounds like we need to get a fire going in our stove...
Awesome poster and awesome Cache! I loved the photos. I'm coming to your house for the smell of a real fire and some cocoa! XO
Cutest Autmun Entrance, LOVES IT! and those fall trees WOW! XO Jen
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