This year I was in charge of throwing the 3rd Annual PGFD Halloween Party. Normally, myself and some of the other wives would un-decorate our homes to help decorate the department party. This was less than ideal. So! I approached the Chief a few months ago and offered to throw the party in style. Little did I know at the time that the month of October would be crazy-busy and I would be stressed to the max. I wanted the party to be festive and fun and look great and I wanted everyone to have a great time. Miraculously - I pulled it off!

Dessert Table
Water bottles with custom labels
Costume Prize table! A glorious gift for Best, Funniest, Scariest and Least Effort.
Ok. Not my finest hour. We decided on this like 3 hours before the party.
Not. One. Word.
The Chief and his sassy wife. Doesn't he make a great Edward? Red eyes and all! He was covered in sparkles...
Jake and Cecily - Woody and Jesse
The Girls! Melanie, Cecily, Me and my legs, Mindi and AnnaLee
There was a chili cook off which the most delicious contest! We took loads of pictures and ate and was so fun. Afterwards we had our First Annual Pumpkin Drop. Such a blast! Each shift gets their own pumpkin and someone gets on the top of the truck ladder and drops their pumpkin from 100 ft up. We tied a balloon to the target pumpkin - let the games begin!
B shift came soooo close!
So, so very high.
You are officially the BEST party planner. The decor had YOU written all over it. I bet you all had a great time--and I love the legs!
I LOVE the costumes. Love love love love love. And can PG loan me those lights for my birthday party?? Just saying.
I hope you guys won. You so deserve it!!
The pics make them look like the larger ball lights, but they're just regular twinkly lights...STILL so great.
You astound me!
Those decorations! Those special water labels! Those legs!
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