...here's the thing, friends. I sat down tonight to post about something. Then it changed to something else. Now? Hmm, now. Now I have no idea what to post about. You might be thinking, "then why post?" to which I answer, "...hmmm, curious. Why do I post at such uncertain times?".
I thought about posting about how I felt extremely overwhelmed today. How at times I feel overlooked and under-appreciated. How I get so, so lonely. That I have seen Cody a total of about 12 minutes in the past two days, and tomorrow he goes to work for 72 hours. These random things hit me every now and again and it can bring me down so fast. It's like it all builds and builds and then all of a sudden I want to go sit in the shower and cry. The feeling of helplessness eventually fades and I begin to realize that things aren't so out of control. But it came crashing down on me today...and that was tough.
My other topic? Ah, yes. Lately I have REALLY been wanting to get back into acting. I was in a play last Fall and have done a few commercials since, but I'm getting all fired up to do something again. Plays? Movies? Infomercials? I'm ready for my close-up, bring it on.
But my day and my fleeting post thoughts were not all of dismay - October is but a few days away. You know what that means....Mmmoooowah-Ha-Ha! This weekend I'm planning (planning...I'm making no promises here) on getting my house all decorated for the glorious Holiday that is Halloween! I have LOTS to do - so many decorations, so little wall space. There is a small snag, however. I have been wanting to paint my family room forever and for some lame reason, I decided that I would LOVE to have it done before Halloween. Beings that Cody is gone all the time I realize that the only way this can be accomplished is if I do it myself. We'll see if I can do it...before another thought of overwhelmage reeks havoc on my soul.
What I know

~There are more bad commercials than good ones.
~My road rage scares me.
~If I take the time to get all ready for the day, I feel more productive and my day usually goes better.
~I also know that if I get gussied up and run errands, I won't see anyone I know. BUT - if I just leave the house quick to buy milk without any make-up or effort, that's when I'll run into an ex-boyfriend and his hot fiance'.
~There will always be dishes and there will always be laundry.
~My mother was right - I do enjoy weeding my own flower beds.
~No matter how I try to suppress it, I'm a total romantic - it takes almost nothing to get me swooning.
~I have spent entirely too much money on iTunes.
~I would love to have an entire day all to myself so I could clean and polish my house.
~My hair looks AWESOME today.
Young Love #3
As promised - the final installment of Soap Opera Sunday. Want to get caught up on the Young Love story (Um...hello, who wouldn't)? Check out Young Love #1 and Young Love #2.
After that night, Tim and I began to hang out quite a bit. Purely as friends, mind you - I was still pining for Jed and I knew Tim was crushing on my cousin, Natalie. I think Tim and I found it easy to hang out because we could really be ourselves around each other. There was no pressure, we could talk about anything and it was just...fun to be together. However, I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that Tim was totally cute. He was so witty and I just loved hanging out with him. And - unlike Jed - Tim actually wanted to spend time with me and get to know me. After that Summer we were best friends. All through High School we were close and were together a lot. I didn't give up on Jed, mind you. I did see him every now and then, but he did have a girlfriend and I could never be myself around him. Tim really knew me and I liked that. I liked him. I'm not sure how many times I wanted Tim to be my boyfriend...too many to count! I do remember that my password in my computer class was "Tim's Girl"...I know. We went to some date dances together and all my friends knew that I always had a place in my heart for Tim. There were times when Tim really liked me - but we never seemed to like each other at the same time! I would meet a boy over the Summer or he would have a girlfriend around Christmas - our timing was just lame. But we were always best friends, no matter what.
After High School, I moved to Las Vegas to live with my Aunt and Uncle and Tim went on a Mission. We wrote each a lot and I couldn't wait for him to come home! Once I moved back, we started hanging out again. It was the middle of Summer and Tim had come over one morning to take me to play tennis (Tim played tennis and had taught me how to play years before). We played and talked for a few hours, perhaps there was some flirting involved! He asked me to dinner that night and I agreed. Over dinner I was telling him how a boy I knew had just poured his heart out to me and I wasn't interested, blah blah blah. Tim just laughed and in my head I was thinking, "Man, I love that I can talk to Tim about stuff like this". After dinner we went back to the tennis court and bounced the ball back and forth a bit (Tennis in the dark? Believe it or not, we did this quite often. Something about the thrill of trying to hit something you can't see before it smacks you in the face...). Eventually we were just sitting on the court talking, and Tim said, "So, can I tell you something?"

"...I think I'm falling for you, Jewels"
I didn't know what to say. He then started to tell me how he felt and it literally made my heart melt. I couldn't believe this was happening! For so long I had wanted to be his girlfriend, to hear him say this to me...but...I wasn't sure I felt the same way. This came out of left field and I just wasn't ready for it. I think I told him that I needed to think about it and when he dropped me off he kissed my hand, held it to his heart and said, "Please don't take too long". Tender, right?
I didn't talk to Tim for a few days. I hated that I didn't feel the way he did - it seemed so unfair! I mean, really? After all these years, now he decides that he wants more?? Why oh WHY do I not feel that way! After much fist-shaking at the Heavens, I called him and explained how I felt. Being the gentleman that he is, he instantly made me feel better and was so understanding about everything. I was worried that this whole thing would change our relationship, but it didn't. We still hung out and a year or so later he was engaged! He married a stellar girl named Angie and he was happier than I had ever seen him. He came to my wedding and all of us have gone to dinner and done things over the years. Just last Summer Cody and I helped them move into a new home! Tim and Angie now have two gorgeous little girls and Tim and I still talk now and then. I actually told him that I would be posting our story (we often talked about how we should write a book about our silly friendship) and the first thing he said was, "Man...that whole 'mute button' thing at EFY...".
Tim is truly one of the most decent human beings I've ever met. I feel so lucky that he and I have been friends for 13 years...and counting!
PS - What ever happened to Jed, you ask? He ended up marrying his High School sweetheart - the girl he was dating while we were at EFY!
After that night, Tim and I began to hang out quite a bit. Purely as friends, mind you - I was still pining for Jed and I knew Tim was crushing on my cousin, Natalie. I think Tim and I found it easy to hang out because we could really be ourselves around each other. There was no pressure, we could talk about anything and it was just...fun to be together. However, I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that Tim was totally cute. He was so witty and I just loved hanging out with him. And - unlike Jed - Tim actually wanted to spend time with me and get to know me. After that Summer we were best friends. All through High School we were close and were together a lot. I didn't give up on Jed, mind you. I did see him every now and then, but he did have a girlfriend and I could never be myself around him. Tim really knew me and I liked that. I liked him. I'm not sure how many times I wanted Tim to be my boyfriend...too many to count! I do remember that my password in my computer class was "Tim's Girl"...I know. We went to some date dances together and all my friends knew that I always had a place in my heart for Tim. There were times when Tim really liked me - but we never seemed to like each other at the same time! I would meet a boy over the Summer or he would have a girlfriend around Christmas - our timing was just lame. But we were always best friends, no matter what.
After High School, I moved to Las Vegas to live with my Aunt and Uncle and Tim went on a Mission. We wrote each a lot and I couldn't wait for him to come home! Once I moved back, we started hanging out again. It was the middle of Summer and Tim had come over one morning to take me to play tennis (Tim played tennis and had taught me how to play years before). We played and talked for a few hours, perhaps there was some flirting involved! He asked me to dinner that night and I agreed. Over dinner I was telling him how a boy I knew had just poured his heart out to me and I wasn't interested, blah blah blah. Tim just laughed and in my head I was thinking, "Man, I love that I can talk to Tim about stuff like this". After dinner we went back to the tennis court and bounced the ball back and forth a bit (Tennis in the dark? Believe it or not, we did this quite often. Something about the thrill of trying to hit something you can't see before it smacks you in the face...). Eventually we were just sitting on the court talking, and Tim said, "So, can I tell you something?"

"...I think I'm falling for you, Jewels"
I didn't know what to say. He then started to tell me how he felt and it literally made my heart melt. I couldn't believe this was happening! For so long I had wanted to be his girlfriend, to hear him say this to me...but...I wasn't sure I felt the same way. This came out of left field and I just wasn't ready for it. I think I told him that I needed to think about it and when he dropped me off he kissed my hand, held it to his heart and said, "Please don't take too long". Tender, right?
I didn't talk to Tim for a few days. I hated that I didn't feel the way he did - it seemed so unfair! I mean, really? After all these years, now he decides that he wants more?? Why oh WHY do I not feel that way! After much fist-shaking at the Heavens, I called him and explained how I felt. Being the gentleman that he is, he instantly made me feel better and was so understanding about everything. I was worried that this whole thing would change our relationship, but it didn't. We still hung out and a year or so later he was engaged! He married a stellar girl named Angie and he was happier than I had ever seen him. He came to my wedding and all of us have gone to dinner and done things over the years. Just last Summer Cody and I helped them move into a new home! Tim and Angie now have two gorgeous little girls and Tim and I still talk now and then. I actually told him that I would be posting our story (we often talked about how we should write a book about our silly friendship) and the first thing he said was, "Man...that whole 'mute button' thing at EFY...".
Tim is truly one of the most decent human beings I've ever met. I feel so lucky that he and I have been friends for 13 years...and counting!
PS - What ever happened to Jed, you ask? He ended up marrying his High School sweetheart - the girl he was dating while we were at EFY!
What the...
A plethora of months ago, I posted about some glorious golden glitter flats that I coveted. Sadly, I did not purchase them at the time - but here is a picture of me trying them on in the store!
Fabulous, no? Well, my dear friends Kate and Rhonda decided to purchase these shoes for me for my Birthday (along with the "Bond Girl" coat - how generous are they?). The shoes were on backorder, so imagine my joy when the package arrived yesterday! I eagerly opened the overly-taped box, carefully opened the shoe box and this is what I found -

A shoe. ONE shoe. With stuffing remnant from the missing shoe. Oh, and the one shoe was a size 6. My shoe size? Size 8. Needless to say, I instantly began laughing hysterically.
A shoe. ONE shoe. With stuffing remnant from the missing shoe. Oh, and the one shoe was a size 6. My shoe size? Size 8. Needless to say, I instantly began laughing hysterically.
Good Heavens, where have I been? Just got back last night from spending two glorious days with my sister in Vegas! I had such a blast. Andrea is one of my best friends, so our days were jam-packed with fun things to do! We quickly realized that two days is simply not enough time to play - although, we could have an entire week together and still not do everything we want to. Cody had a Firefighter convention, so it was just me and the kids. Cache had so much fun with his cousins. The first night we were there they played ball in the backyard and then laid down with Andrea to look at the stars.
We went shopping at some Halloween stores, worked on our Halloween party invitations (which are so rad, I can't even begin to tell you) and spent lots of time talking. 
On Monday night we went over to Andrea's inlaws home for FHE. The activity for the evening? Guitar Hero. People - this game rocks the house. Andrea and I played back to back to our adoring, screaming fans! I've played the game before, but this was Andrea's first time and by evening's end, she smoked my high score. No question, she is a born rocker. We shall duel again!
Tuesday we ran errands and spent time in the pool with the kids. We capped off my trip with the glorious "The Phantom of the Opera" on Tuesday night. I'm probably one of the few people who had not yet seen this movie, and I LOVED IT! Not only for the beautiful music, but for the dashing leading men that graced the screen. Andrea and I certainly enjoyed the view! Mm, Mmm - quite delicious. As my sister stated on her blog, "It's beautiful, romantic and what woman does not respond to those men in boots, capes and open-necked, blousy shirts?!" Indeed! When the Phantom graces the stage as Don Juan at the end of the film, I aptly re-named him, "Don Juan-ty!"
The trip ended far too soon and we still did not do everything we wanted! There's never enough time to play, but hopefully I can make it back there in the next few weeks. Viva Las Vegas!

On Monday night we went over to Andrea's inlaws home for FHE. The activity for the evening? Guitar Hero. People - this game rocks the house. Andrea and I played back to back to our adoring, screaming fans! I've played the game before, but this was Andrea's first time and by evening's end, she smoked my high score. No question, she is a born rocker. We shall duel again!

SOS postponed...
Devil! I so wanted to continue my story and participate in Soap Opera Sunday this week. Alas, I wasn't able to finish it. That's right - there's a lot. So much so that I simply did not have time to finish the entry before today. Lots of pictures and diaries to consult for details, you see. Never fear - I will have it ready for next week! I know, I know...you're wondering how you will make it through another week without knowing the next installment of Young Love. All I can say is that the next entry will leave little to be desired! Maybe...
It's Friday! Lots to cover. My sister posted some pictures from Lotoja on her Blog, so being the thief that I am I stole them to put on my post, too. Mwa-ha-ha! Here is a picture of my sister on her bike getting ready to start the race! How hot is she? Few people can pull off spandex like that. Trust me.
Cody had a total blast riding in Lotoja this year and really wants to do it again next year. My sister and her husband are going to do it again and my Dad is even talking about doing it! Me? I will be waiting at the finish line ready to congratulate them on a great race. Go team!
My parents are in Lake Powell, but a movie that my Mom is in opens this weekend. Return with Honor opens tonight and I hope it does well!
I saw this at a private screening a year or so ago, my Mom is brilliant. I'm very proud of her! Congrats, Mom!
Cole had his two-week appointment yesterday. He did great! He has put on a pound and grown almost 3 inches! He's really healthy and quite possibly the cutest thing ever.
I'm feeling a bit exhausted. I feel like I've been really lucky with this new baby - he eats like a champion and sleeps a lot. Sometimes he'll only wake up twice in the night, around 1:00am and then at 6:00am or something. However, last night was the hardest night for me so far. Cole woke up every 1 1/2 hours fussing, needing to eat. Now, fellow Mothers out there will tell you that after you have fed and changed said baby, it takes a few minutes for them to become tired again and fall back asleep. So by the time I would get him settled in and asleep, I would sleep for maybe 45 minutes before I would have to get up again. Cody came home this morning after working for 72 hours, but then had to leave to do a work thing until about 2:00. He took Cache with him, which was nice - but Cole was really fussy this morning and I wasn't able to sleep or rest much. Oh, did I mention that I think I'm getting sick? Fantastic. There is something I'm looking forward to - Cody has a Firefighter convention in Vegas on Monday and Tuesday next week, so Sunday we are driving down and I get to spend some time with my sister! We are going to put together our Halloween party invitations and a myriad of other things. I also get to use her pool which is a huge plus! Hopefully I'll be able to rest some more today and feel better by tomorrow - I'll also have to post some pictures of...(drum roll) our new car!!

My parents are in Lake Powell, but a movie that my Mom is in opens this weekend. Return with Honor opens tonight and I hope it does well!

I'm feeling a bit exhausted. I feel like I've been really lucky with this new baby - he eats like a champion and sleeps a lot. Sometimes he'll only wake up twice in the night, around 1:00am and then at 6:00am or something. However, last night was the hardest night for me so far. Cole woke up every 1 1/2 hours fussing, needing to eat. Now, fellow Mothers out there will tell you that after you have fed and changed said baby, it takes a few minutes for them to become tired again and fall back asleep. So by the time I would get him settled in and asleep, I would sleep for maybe 45 minutes before I would have to get up again. Cody came home this morning after working for 72 hours, but then had to leave to do a work thing until about 2:00. He took Cache with him, which was nice - but Cole was really fussy this morning and I wasn't able to sleep or rest much. Oh, did I mention that I think I'm getting sick? Fantastic. There is something I'm looking forward to - Cody has a Firefighter convention in Vegas on Monday and Tuesday next week, so Sunday we are driving down and I get to spend some time with my sister! We are going to put together our Halloween party invitations and a myriad of other things. I also get to use her pool which is a huge plus! Hopefully I'll be able to rest some more today and feel better by tomorrow - I'll also have to post some pictures of...(drum roll) our new car!!
What I'm Loving Wednesday
Flashback Tuesday
First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday! I was totally floored, thanks so much. A big thanks to Kate who posted a Birthday tribute to me on her Blog. If you need more convincing that I rock the house, go check it out here. Thanks, Kate! Hannah also posted a Birthday poem for me on her Blog - she's hilarious! Finally, I had a dear friend (Mark!) who confessed that he is a closet Blonde Canary fan - that made my day.
I haven't done Flashback Tuesday forever, but I had to post something that I thought was so funny! One night in the Hospital around 2:30am, I had just finished feeding Cole and the nurse was coming in to take him back to the nursery. I was still pretty awake, so I flipped on the TV. There it was - in all it's 80's glory - SIDE OUT.

Have you heard of this movie? Dude. So awesome. It's about the blood, sweat and tears that goes into the extreme sport of beach volleyball! I think it came out in 1990 and let me tell you what - the fashions on display in this film? Priceless. I'm not saying that you need to go out and rent this cinematic gem, but if you by chance get to see it on late night TV one night, pay attention - it's hard to believe that such high shorts and visor caps were all the rage at one time...and I'm sure most of us sported these ridiculous trends.
I haven't done Flashback Tuesday forever, but I had to post something that I thought was so funny! One night in the Hospital around 2:30am, I had just finished feeding Cole and the nurse was coming in to take him back to the nursery. I was still pretty awake, so I flipped on the TV. There it was - in all it's 80's glory - SIDE OUT.

Young Love #2
Soap Opera Sunday! First time here? Check out the first part of this story.
Needless to say, my heart started to sink. "Tell me what??" While I tried to hold composure on the other end of the line, my mind started to wander. "Was he moving? Did he not really like me that much? Did he have a girlfr-....oh no, what if he has a girlfriend!?!". I had to end the call so that Natalie and I could get ready for bed. I told her what I heard and that I assumed he had a girlfriend. I mean, what else could it be? She decided to talk to Tim and see if she could learn anything. After we were all packed and ready for bed, we called the boys again and Natalie began to casually question Tim about Jed's feelings towards me. "He really likes her, he thinks she's really cool and wants to get to know her better, but he does have a girlfriend". I watched Natalie's face as he was telling her this and just from the tone in her voice I knew what he was saying. I can't really say that I was heartbroken, but I was just. so. sad.
I felt like an idiot, I also felt like punching him in the neck for not telling me that he had a girlfriend. I didn't talk to Jed again that night. Natalie finished talking to Tim and she told me that they wanted to see us in the morning before we left. I didn't really know how I was going to react when I saw Jed...I fell asleep wondering if I wanted to see him at all.
The next morning we were waiting for our ride like hundreds of other kids. Natalie and I took some pictures, said goodbye to other friends we met. I felt a little better that morning - I decided that I wouldn't say anything to Jed about his girlfriend, I would just be the 'cool chick' and pretend like it didn't bother me. Tim and Jed eventually joined us and we took some pictures together, promised to hang out and keep in touch, all that stuff. Natalie was the first to get picked up, then Jed. Tim offered to give me a ride home since he sort of lived near me and I agreed - at least it would give me some time to talk to Tim about Jed one-on-one! During the drive I tried to be all breezy and casual, the 'I don't care' kind of girl. "So...Jed has a girlfriend, eh?" I asked in a voice that was way too high to be taken seriously. "Yeah," Tim kind of laughed through his answer, "They've been dating forever. They sort of took a break for the Summer, but I swear he's going to marry that girl". I think I may have uttered something like, "...huh...that's cool, I mean you know whatever, it's fineadngia.....". When we got to my house, we talked for a few more minutes and then he left. The rest of the day I obsessed about Jed. I wondered when I would see him again or if I could muster up the courage to call him and ask him to hang out sometime...or if it was even worth it and should I just forget about him. That evening my Dad told me someone was at the door for me. I started to feel that flutter again, "Oh my gosh, what if it's Jed?!?!?" I thought as I headed upstairs to get the door, "What if he's come over here to tell me that he has fallen in love with me and doesn't want to see Jane again and - Oh, Tim!". Tim smiled once he saw me. I had left something in his car and he had brought it over. We talked for a few minutes and then he said, "Are you doing anything tonight?" "No, not really". He looked down and kind of laughed, "Want to?" "Uh..sure!" He was supposed to meet up with a friend, so he was going to pick up this kid and come back to my house. When Tim came back over with his pal, Guido (I am SO not making that up. It was his nickname and for the life of me I can't remember his real name...) we went into my room and started to play a boardgame or something. It actually turned out to be such a fun night! Tim was SO funny, I was constantly laughing. He was just so quick and witty, with his cute smile. Tim had really thick, dark hair and the cutest dimples ever. Hmmm, and he did have nice eyes. Man...he sure is cute...
Needless to say, my heart started to sink. "Tell me what??" While I tried to hold composure on the other end of the line, my mind started to wander. "Was he moving? Did he not really like me that much? Did he have a girlfr-....oh no, what if he has a girlfriend!?!". I had to end the call so that Natalie and I could get ready for bed. I told her what I heard and that I assumed he had a girlfriend. I mean, what else could it be? She decided to talk to Tim and see if she could learn anything. After we were all packed and ready for bed, we called the boys again and Natalie began to casually question Tim about Jed's feelings towards me. "He really likes her, he thinks she's really cool and wants to get to know her better, but he does have a girlfriend". I watched Natalie's face as he was telling her this and just from the tone in her voice I knew what he was saying. I can't really say that I was heartbroken, but I was just. so. sad.

The next morning we were waiting for our ride like hundreds of other kids. Natalie and I took some pictures, said goodbye to other friends we met. I felt a little better that morning - I decided that I wouldn't say anything to Jed about his girlfriend, I would just be the 'cool chick' and pretend like it didn't bother me. Tim and Jed eventually joined us and we took some pictures together, promised to hang out and keep in touch, all that stuff. Natalie was the first to get picked up, then Jed. Tim offered to give me a ride home since he sort of lived near me and I agreed - at least it would give me some time to talk to Tim about Jed one-on-one! During the drive I tried to be all breezy and casual, the 'I don't care' kind of girl. "So...Jed has a girlfriend, eh?" I asked in a voice that was way too high to be taken seriously. "Yeah," Tim kind of laughed through his answer, "They've been dating forever. They sort of took a break for the Summer, but I swear he's going to marry that girl". I think I may have uttered something like, "...huh...that's cool, I mean you know whatever, it's fineadngia.....". When we got to my house, we talked for a few more minutes and then he left. The rest of the day I obsessed about Jed. I wondered when I would see him again or if I could muster up the courage to call him and ask him to hang out sometime...or if it was even worth it and should I just forget about him. That evening my Dad told me someone was at the door for me. I started to feel that flutter again, "Oh my gosh, what if it's Jed?!?!?" I thought as I headed upstairs to get the door, "What if he's come over here to tell me that he has fallen in love with me and doesn't want to see Jane again and - Oh, Tim!". Tim smiled once he saw me. I had left something in his car and he had brought it over. We talked for a few minutes and then he said, "Are you doing anything tonight?" "No, not really". He looked down and kind of laughed, "Want to?" "Uh..sure!" He was supposed to meet up with a friend, so he was going to pick up this kid and come back to my house. When Tim came back over with his pal, Guido (I am SO not making that up. It was his nickname and for the life of me I can't remember his real name...) we went into my room and started to play a boardgame or something. It actually turned out to be such a fun night! Tim was SO funny, I was constantly laughing. He was just so quick and witty, with his cute smile. Tim had really thick, dark hair and the cutest dimples ever. Hmmm, and he did have nice eyes. Man...he sure is cute...
Weekend Plans

What I'm Loving Wednesday
Phew - made it just before midnight! My apologies for my lateness in posting this....post. What am I loving right now?

Ah yes, this will be an "Ode to Code", if you will. Obviously, I love him all the time but I must tell you why I am so lucky to have this handsome man. Cody has always been so great at taking care of me - no question. However, this was proven to me this last week more than ever. Since we have been home with our new baby, Cody has been taking on all the responsibilities of the house. He cooks, cleans, runs errands, keeps Cache happy and dotes on me (what girl doesn't love that?). He has been patient and thoughtful and willing to do whatever needs to be done to make this transition easy for me. He is a prince, and he's my prince. I love him so much - he's my best friend and confidant. There is no question that I would be lost without him! Normally I would tell you where to purchase or find the item I display on my "WILM" posts, but this week? I think I will keep this allllll to myself. I love you, Code!!
And yes, another thing I am loving. No, no. 'loving' isn't the best description. Hmmm, another thing I am OBSESSING over:
People. Seriously. Have you read this books? I have been hearing about this series for months (as I'm sure most of you have). I was sort of interested, but I hadn't done anything about it until I went into Barnes and Noble a few days before I had the baby. I was going to buy a 'Consumer Reports' mag and saw this huge display devoted to these lovely novels (what constitutes the title 'novel'? Anyone?). I opted to purchase the first book to read while in the hospital - waiting to purchase the other two books until I was certain I would actually be interested in reading them. Funny thing? I don't read. I mean...I can read, I just normally choose not to. I finished the first book (AND LOVED IT) on Sunday night and honestly could not WAIT to get my hands on the second and third ones! Last night, Cody and I decided to go out for shakes and I asked him if he wouldn't mind stopping by the bookstore so I could buy the rest of the series. I should probably mention that last night we had a huge thunderstorm. Pouring rain, lightning, booming thunder...awesome stuff. So we grab our shakes (fear not, we had our boys with us, too), drive to the Mall near our house and Cody runs in to buy my books. He comes out soaked and empty-handed, then says, "They were sold out, but I think we could buy them at Borders". So we drive 15 minutes to Borders, Cody runs in, still soaked, and comes out with books in hand. Now do you see why I love this man?
I finished the 2nd book to-day. Fabulous! I loved it! It was intense, romantic, I was freaked out, I wept (no lie), I just loved it. I called my sister right after I was done to gush and go over details. She finished the series a few weeks ago and I love talking to her about it! I begin the 3rd book tomorrow...or perhaps, tonight?
And yes, another thing I am loving. No, no. 'loving' isn't the best description. Hmmm, another thing I am OBSESSING over:

I finished the 2nd book to-day. Fabulous! I loved it! It was intense, romantic, I was freaked out, I wept (no lie), I just loved it. I called my sister right after I was done to gush and go over details. She finished the series a few weeks ago and I love talking to her about it! I begin the 3rd book tomorrow...or perhaps, tonight?
Cole Gary Jolley
7 lb., 9 oz. 19"
7 lb., 9 oz. 19"
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