I'm a geek. A big one. But I don't care! Guess what I did yesterday?? Whilst running errands, I stopped by the Fire Station to see Cody. I didn't have the kids with me, so we decided to go look at a few homes for sale (since we'll be moving to PG someday). We had to take his Captain's Emergency Vehicle just in case he got a call. We went to look at this super cute house that I really like...we'll see. But on the way back to the station, he got a call! A gas leak at a Condo development. Cody writes down the address, give the ol' "10-4" to the dispatcher and we're off! The best part? We got to go there 'Code 3', which basically means that all lights and sirens are on and all bets are off! What speed limit? We're here to serve and protect! Called to duty! We shall rescue those in need! As we are racing to the scene, I am beYOND giddy. There was actual clapping - not gonna lie. I was smiling so big and just kept saying to Cody, "This is so rad!". He just laughed and shook his head, he had no idea that his wife was such a dork (well...maybe).

We get to the scene and had to block the road with the car. Cody donned his turn-outs and went to check the details. I was uber helpful in informing your average citizen about what was going on - I had such a blast - I even got to drive the car! Oh yeah, I rock.

I found this florescent orange vest in the car and I asked Cody, "Did you want me to put this on?" which was followed by more head shaking on his part.
Anyway, it was the highlight of my day! In the grand scheme of things, the call was pretty lame (says Cody, but what does he know) but I'm down to go on a call with him any day!!
Incident Commander!!! Any idea where I can get one of those? I love it!
I'm totally laughing....
You are my favorite.
You live the ideal life
Oh my gosh, Julia. You are a riot. Thank you for the good laugh.
Wow. What a nerd!
JK- I would have put on the hat myself. Hilarious.
"there was actual clapping"
you are so so funny. Your next mission? -steal the vest.
without a doubt the funniest imagine I've ever had.
SO funny! I'm jealous! Maybe someday I'll go visit Dan and he'll have an emergency memo to write.... Nope no as fun! Sorry your husband wins!
HAHAHHA! I need one of those vests for home life...
I am jealous, I have always wanted to ride c3! You would look good in that vest!
and thanks for the story about the princess movie, that made me feel better! ;)
HAHAHAHA. You are so awesome.
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