As I mentioned, we do have our Christmas tree. We buy a live tree from this guy who turns his front yard into a tree lot every year. Cody' s family bought their trees there every Christmas, so we're just carrying on the tradition! And this year? We got a flocked tree!! I must admit, I was never a huge fan of the flocking - but I think the first year we were married Cody talked me into it. I loved it! It was so 50's Christmas-y and looked so great all decorated. When my tree is done, I'll post pictures - I'm so excited!
As far as lights on our house go...well, I need Cody to do that. Poor guy has been sick all weekend (we've ALL been sick...some nasty cold thing. I didn't get it as bad as my kids or Cody, but we're all a bit sniffy and coughy) so I think we'll be able to get them up this weekend. Why the push? Well see, we live in a neighborhood filled with Griswald's. I swear, half of the power in this City is being used to light these homes. Take a gander -
And that's just a sampling! Sorry about the blurriness - I think Cody and I need to take another trek around the neighborhood and snap more pictures. There are quite a few homes that look like that. Ours won't be that bright. I mean, we're not trying to make our house look like the noon-day sun, or anything. But it will look very festive and I can't wait until the lights are up!!
Well, I would so love to sit here and post all day, but alas - Christmas errands await. I have a plethora of places to go to and I'm not sure I'll survive. Wish me luck on my Merry errands!
Oh my gosh you DO live in Griswald land!
Never fear, I have nothing done either. Stupid fast moving December.
I expect nothing less than a Griswold Family Christmas. Code get out the stapler I want to see some lights. I would prefer if they would dance and twinkle to the sounds of Amy Grant if possible.
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