It is no secret that Pink is my favorite color (along with gold and orange), so imagine my glee when I came upon this delicious Holiday issue of Blueprint magazine! How glorious is that tree?? I so wish I had a reason to put a pink tree somewhere. I've never ventured too far from the standard red and green decor for Christmas, but recently I've mixed in a little light blue here and there and I love it!

Pink is turning up everywhere as a design staple - just the other day I saw a design show where they painted the kitchen pink. Wha?? To my surprise, it looked so pretty! Guess that designer has her own show for a reason, who knew. Does anyone out there do something different like this for their Holiday trimmings? When you see pictures like this, how could you not be tempted!

In other news, it's been snowing. A lot. And I love it!! We have about 3" or 4" at our house and I am loving the whole 'Winter Wonderland' thing. It's so festive, how can you not be in the Christmas spirit when you drive around the City? Which is something I have to do today. I have a few errands to run and lots more decorating to do. Cody is working a 72 hour shift, but great news!! His last day in Orem is on Friday, so no more crazy schedules and lots more Cody! That could possibly be the best Christmas present of all.
I love all the pink decor, i'm just not brave enough to try it!
I was totally going to call you when I saw the pink party they showed in Martha Stewart this month. SO GREAT!
And yay for Cody being done at Orem! It's been a long time coming and I'm so glad you'll have your husband back! And probably some sanity :D
So glad that Cody will be done soome! That will be great! I love the snow too...and the pink tree!
i have a pink bathroom-but it isn't pretty...maybe if i put a pink tree in it...?
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