Ok, now I can fill you in on all the goodness of last weekend! Friday I spent most of my day cleaning up the house, getting it ready for pictures. There was so much to do! I got a lot accomplished and was pretty exhausted at days' end.
Saturday we went over to Cody's parents house for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Cache had a blast! He made out like a bandit (and about $5.00 in change - he was somehow drawn to the eggs containing money). We had a delicious lunch, complete with deviled eggs and hot spinach dip. It was a gorgeous day - clear and sunny, perfect for finding eggs.
It was so nice to just sit in the sun and hang out with the family. I needed to get Cole back home to take his nap (and uh, I may or may not have taken a wee nap, myself), but Cache stayed behind and rode 4-wheelers and played in the pasture. In the evening we drove up to see my parents for a bit, then came home and I put the kids to bed. Later Tom and Tanya came over and we watched "Oceans' 13" - such a great movie, no? We laughed and snacked, so great when they come over.
The next morning Cache found a trail of Easter Eggs leading to his fancy basket! It kept him busy all day!
Later that night, we went back up to my parents house and colored Easter Eggs. You all know the creativity that my siblings possess, which is why I so love this picture of Marty - we take our crafts very seriously, you understand.
Monday we got some more house things taken care of and started making a pile of things to take to our storage unit. Cody's parents were kind enough to let us use their horse trailer to load up our stuff. How in the world do we accumulate so much rubbish? I don't even know what half of those boxes hold, but until I have a few days to sit and organize, into storage they go!
We went up to the Fire Station in PG and Cache played at the park for a little bit. I have loved that the weather has been warm enough for him to play outside.
Tuesday night was another 'Thrillionaires' show - and it was SO great! I felt it was much better than last week. The workshop we had before the show was very helpful - we really listened to each other and the show ran so much smoother. The musical portion was so much fun. MacLain was there this week and he and I had a few duets together. I've known him since 7th grade and we both had a hard time singing to each other without laughing. So much fun! No show this coming Tuesday, but the following Tuesday for sure!
Last night Tonya came over for a spell, I so love it when she comes over. She stayed for dinner and much chatting. She's coming over again tonight and I'm looking forward to it! More good news? Andrea is coming into town tonight!! She'll be staying the weekend and I am so stoked to see her, as always. She and Rich are going to see 'Vampire Weekend' on Monday night. I love this band, but I'm sort of a weirdo - I had the opportunity to go to the concert with them and sort of declined. Why did I do that? Why am I so lame about concerts? We all know that I have gone to concerts before, many-a-concert in fact. Recently I just haven't been that...interested, I guess. That is, unless Bon Jovi comes to town.
I think that sums up the goings on. Oh! The house showing went really well yesterday. Adam said they were in the house for a long time and their realtor said that they really like the house. I guess we'll see what happens! I am loving having a super clean house, now if only I can maintain it...