You may recall a post a few months back that talked about 'Phone Phriends'. I talked about my friend Katie who I instantly bonded with when I called to get her address for a Christmas card (she married a friend of mine, but we had never met). We talk quite often, usually for hours at a time. We have loads in common and always talk about how great it would be if we lived closer to each other (she live in California)! She had her 3rd baby last Monday - a beautiful little girl names Elise. Her husband (Brad) sent me a text when they were in the hospital, and then sent a picture of the new little baby. I tried calling Katie a few days later, but I knew she must have her hands full with her two other children along with a newborn! Sunday night I got a text from her that said, "Call if you can". It was late, I was actually about to go to bed, but I felt that I needed to call her. She answered, sounding exhausted. She proceeded to tell me that her little baby girl passed away on Friday, there was an infection in her blood. We both began to cry. I just kept saying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry...". I reached over to grab Cody's hand. When I hung up, I just started sobbing. What a painful thing to go through. I wish I could have been sitting on a couch with her so we could just hug and cry. My heart just breaks for her and her little family! Brad's parents are currently serving a mission in Korea but were able to fly in for two weeks, I know it will help having them there. They are surrounded by family, friends and lots of support. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers.
So sad. Out of curiosity, is Brad from here?
No, he's from California.
It is so heartbreaking. I can't imagine what Brad and Katie must be going through right now.
Yah totally breaks my heart...it gave me that suffocating feeling in my chest. How sad...
So heartbreaking, I can't imagine how hard that would be. They will be in my prayers.
what a heartbreaking story! I'm so sorry to hear about this...
Wow! That is so terribly sad. It's so hard to watch someone you love go through such a loss. You're a great friend Julia!
So sorry to hear about your friend. It just broke my heart. Makes you so grateful for healthy babies :)
Julia, I am so glad she has you to turn you, there couldn't be a better friend. I hope that goes okay for you in California. They will be in our prayers!
My heart just dropped when I read your blog and all the memories of Rhett’s birth and the time he spent in the hospital came rushing back. I know how I hurt as a mother not knowing if my son would live or dye. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that if he did die he would make it!! It doesn’t stop your mind or your heart from hurting but it can bring you some comfort. This little baby is right there in the Celestial kingdom now we have to make it back. Your dear sweet friend will need your shoulder or your ears many times, continue to be there for her. Love ya girl
that is so sad. i couldn't imagine losing a child.
my brother and his wife went through the same thing and it was heartbreaking for our family.
so sorry to hear about this..
i'm so sorry for your friend. i will keep them in my prayers.
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