"Julia Jolley"
How was your day? I spent half my day in the ER. I woke up in the middle of the night with the most painful stomach cramps. I have had these before, but it's a few years. I had been curled up in a ball until Cody woke up and asked if I wanted to go to the Hospital. Unless I'm in labor, I never really want to go to the hospital, but since I had been crying because the pain was so sever - I agreed. We packed up the kids, checked in at the Hospital and I even got to don one of those fancy, backless gowns. Meow. The Dr. came in and pressed on my stomach (OW) to see if he could locate the source of the pain - appendix, gall bladder, etc. Turns out it was neither - so they weren't sure what was wrong. My white cell blood count was high, so they gave me a CAT scan to see if everything was running properly. Finally, 3 1/2 hours later they let me get dressed as they wrote out some prescriptions for me. As soon as I stood up, I got so dizzy and after I was dressed I collapsed on the bed again feeling so. sick. The pain was back, nausea, ugh - it was miserable. They gave me an oxygen mask and a shot of some medication to help with the pain. Ahhh, Morphine! I have to go back tomorrow so the Dr. can check me again, but I'm hoping the worst is behind me. Even though they weren't positive about what was causing the pain, I was so relieved to find out that I didn't have appendicitis or an extra 58 feet of intestine, or something. I'm sure everything's fine, I'll keep you posted!
We all know that "E.R" stands for Emergency Room, but I found out that it also stands for "Enema Refusal". One of Cody's old Fire Captains works at the Hospital and decided it would be hilarious to tell me that I may have to get an enema...and that he would be the one to do it. I started shaking in my half-smock with nervous laughter, saying, "Oohh ho ho, Steve...you're...you're not serious...haha......are you?" I was thisclose to saying that I had made the whole thing up just so I could avoid this horrific procedure. Never fear - he was in fact joking and I was able to leave the hospital without that embarrassing task performed by a friend of mine. Ew, can you imagine??
Tanya came over to hang out tonight and it was so nice having her here. We just talked and were lazy - the best kind of hang out, ever. Tom joined us later (he was performing in a show) and we had a quick chat over some dinner. Cody started to feel sick, so he went upstairs to lie down. I certainly hope we both feel better by tomorrow!
And finally, something exciting happened near our house this evening. Cody went to get my prescriptions filled at a pharmacy nearby and about an hour later he ran another errand...only to find that said Pharmacy had just been robbed and was flanked with police cars and 'do not cross' tape!! Whoa dude - how lucky that he wasn't there when that happened!
Alright - I'm off to take some 'fell better' medicine and hopefully get a full night's sleep. We still have a house we need to get ready to put on the market so there is no time to spare!
I hope you are feeling better, dearest Jewels. THANK YOU (and notice to all your loyal readers) that you so generously called with this news earlier today and reassured me so I could (later) read the information on your blog very calmly. Well, mostly calm! Get well so very soon (and Cody, too) XO, Mommy
DUDE that sucks! I am SO SORRY! I hope they find whatever the problem is and that the meds help! You poor thing!!
I hope you are feeling better. I am so sorry!
(I am not sure where you think 58 feet of intestine would fit in your little body...)
Call me if you need ANYTHING!
I'm so sorry for the eternal trip to Enema Refusal. That's terrible! I hope you feel better soon. Lots of love!
I used to get reoccurring pain on the left side of my stomach. I had to go to the emergency room too. I saw two different specialists...first they thought I'd torn an abdominal muscle, then they thought I might have ulcers, then they thought I might have problems with my colon...(they gave me a colonoscopy, but luckily knocked me out for it lol). To this day they're not sure what causes it, they just think that my body produces a lot of stomach acid and also tries to store gas in places where it doesn't fit, causing the pain. One thing I've noticed is that if I've been eating greasier foods it comes more often. I also take a lot of rolaids before I eat anything greasy now, and it hasn't happened for a while.
Oh seriously! I hope you are feeling better ASAP! That is awful! Let me know if you need anything and take it easy as you recover!
that sucks you had to go to the hospital.. how scary.
yes, let's hang out. just let me know when and where. we should call becky too.
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