Before I delve into the excitement I'm feeling about tonight's show, I have to gush about my nephew Graham. On Sunday evening I took the boys up to my parents house. My Aunt Trudy was there (who I lived with when I lived in Vegas - LOVE her!) and Jess and Marty were there, too - with leetle Graham! He is the cutest thing ever - a carbon copy of Marty, dimples and all. Cole and Graham were staring at each other, talking to each other - ohmygosh, it was the cutest thing watching them. They're only 6 weeks apart - just look at these wee cousins!

Yesterday Cody and I ran some errands, got the car washed, etc. We stopped to have some lunch and let Cache play at the park. It wasn't very warm, but Cache didn't seem to mind! He was climbing on everything and had to go on every slide. He even went down the highest one there! I was so proud. The sunshine is infectious - I've said it before and I'll say it again - when it's sunny out, you get all this energy to get things done! And boy, we have a list of things. Today our house is in shambles because we are working on putting up the chair rail in Cache's room, flipping his bed (It's one of those beds where it can either sit on the floor or be raised higher so he can climb a ladder to it - we're pretty sure that he's used to sleeping in a bed and not a crib, so he won't fall out...we hope), and going through his vast inventory of toys. I even used a nail gun for the first time today! You know when you watch those home improvement shows and they have the wife use power tools for the first time? And she's all, "Oooh, that's sorta loud, there now" or "Gee, these are fun! I think I need to get some for me! Bah-hahaha!" Yeah, well, I was totally that chick today. Maybe not as bad, but I was doing the girly sound effects every time the gun went off. I was all, "Ooh!" - those suckers are loud! But the fact that I can still see and have all my appendages should speak volumes of my radness. Volumes.

And finally, yes, tonight is the Cheap Thrills show. Ahh! I think it was better not knowing I was in the show until just before, because I'm feeling a wee bit nervous. Mostly excited, but I actually have people coming to see me tonight and I truly hope I'm not lame. The theme tonight is Modern-Day Film Noir, so as a tribute to the style of film I'm going to curl my hair and hopefully it will look saucy, ala Marilyn Monroe...ish. We'll see! I think Tanya might come over and we'll be getting ready together - curling hair, eyelashes, putting on each other's lipstick, having a pillow fight...Wish me luck! I'm ready for my close up...
good luck tonight! i so wanted to come but, alas, i am getting my air ducts and carpets cleaned. i know, i know-talk about excitement. and i'm glad you have discovered the joys of power tools-i remember marty has a thing for them-he used to take me tool shopping. so weird. anyway, i am obsessed with orbital sanders. i want to sand everything!
Good Luck Macbeth
Good luck tonight!! I wish I could be there to see your very talented self. Cole and Graham are so adorable!! Oh goodness- I wish I could meet them in person. I swear little Cole (one of my favorite names, by the way) looks just like you. Lucky little guy!!
See you tonight! Good luck!
I so much love you, and am so excited to see you tonight! Just relax and be "Julia"--Julia is AWESOME!
You'll do GREAT! Just like you always do (ex: kicking Jed Wells butt as a freshman in the monologue competition :) )
And those BABIES! Awwww.
Holy cow I was so behind on the blogginess...what a whirlwind couple of days you've fun last night. SO SO FUN!
Julia! You did so great last night. I thought it was such a funny show. Sorry we couldn't stay for the second half, I wanted to come say hi but we had to run. Anyways, could you email me at Thanks!
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