Last night Cody and I had Tom and Tonya over for dinner - 'Din with the Quinn's' is how I like to say it. It was SUCH a blast! They are so funny, we laughed all night. I met T&T in my Thrillionaires class and instantly knew they were Jolley friend material. We had some yummy burritos and refreshed ourselves with Cokes in glass bottles - how cool is that? Very posh, if you ask me. Then we rocked out with some Guitar Hero and Tonya had some sweet moves! She's so limber, they are both true rockers at heart. Finally we finished up the evening with more chatting and apple pie. Delish! We could have talked until dawn, but sadly they had a 45 minute drive home and it was getting late. We were sad to see them go - we'll have to do something soon. Love them!
Now for some house news - remember I said that Cody and I were going to look at a house Friday afternoon? We did indeed. We were warned that the house was being rented and may not be in the best condition, etc. But hey! We've got open minds, we can handle mess. What we weren't informed about was the fact that there were about 8 cats living there, as well. The minute we walk in we're hit with that...musty, animal smell...which only got worse as we continued to look at the home. Not to mention that "the house may not be in the best condition" meant that you may not be able to open the doors to the bedrooms all the way due to mass amounts of clothing on the floor. Ahem. Needless to say, we would have to have grand vision to see what this house could become. We left, a little disappointed.

On our way out, however, Cody noticed another home up the road that was be.eautiful. We called the realtor, walked through it, great lay out, huge yard, no cats, what's not to love? We can't stop thinking about this lovely little abode, so we decided that we want to get our house on the market - in one week. Yes folks, March 10th. Possible? Yes. Daunting? Yes. But we simply have to do it if we want to move. But I am not dismayed! For I believe that together we can conquer this task! No if you'll excuse me, I need to slap on some rubber gloves and put on my goggles - I have a house to clean...
You are hilarious.
Good luck with the house! I must say that I'm glad I'm not in your shoes . . . I hate getting a house ready to sell! But see YOU are a decorating/cleaning genius and I'm sure the house will look stellar in NO TIME!
So cool, and muy jealous of the Tom & Tanya fun! Oh the daunting task of house hunting...I HATE IT!! would be so cool to have you in the SAME CITY!!
Julia where is this said house? Did you say in a previous post you were looking in the A.F. or P.G. area? Good luck getting your house all ready. I'm sure it already looks fantastic considering that it's yours after all.
We're looking in PG - I honestly can't remember in what area that house is...Cody would know! Hopefully I can get everything done, better go buy some Red Bulls.
I like that....setting a date and putting it on the blog. The only problem is now everyone is going to hold you too it. It will be great your house doesn't need a thing.
I awoke sunday morning to find that my rocking muscles were a little sore, but after a good long stretch, they returned to their original limber and elastic state. I will rock again.
Ummm, Jewels, this is your dad, and I'm confused about something on this blog site of yours. I read the part that says "My husband is a Fire Captain and I am a stay at home Mom with 2 gorgeous little boys." But this is the part I don't understand...if you're a "stay at home Mom", why are you never home??
Love, Dad
Silly Dad - I am always home. I just screen your calls and visits. Ha! Love you donk mees!
There are easier ways of getting out of playing the piano than moving. (but I am totally jealous, I would love to move to PG too)
I am even more enamored of you after Sunday.
I love Brian.
hey girlie....good luck with the house! that is so exciting!!
May I say, I loved our hang out as well! Just can't wait for round two!
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