The show went really well. We do two shows - a play and then a musical, but last night we were short a piano player, so we just did two plays. The first one was good - a bit rough, but it had it's moments, it came together and it was good. However, I think the second show was a lot smoother! We seemed to get into the groove and focused on the story - it was great! Hannah did a fabulous job - it was her first time! And Tanya - brilliant as ever. Man, everyone just did so well - I love watching from the side of the stage. My hair however? Eh, not so great. It was alright, I guess, but not nearly as saucy as I hoped it would be. I needed more time to curl it, so it turned out to be this...fluffy, bubble coif. I think I'll be going straight next time! I can't wait to see what the next show will be about. I'll let you know if I'm in that one - I'm having the best time doing this - thanks for amusing me!
Fluffy bubble coif?! Hahahahaha
I love you.
Jewels I would not have missed your play and I am so glad! You were so funny and did so well, I enjoyed myself the whole time! Thanks for letting me come!
Oh man, that's sounds so great. One of these times I'll have to make it to a show that you're IN-- though talking with you in the audience on Monday was fun too... But yes, I must find away to strand my husband with all the kids and sneak away to watch you in all your brilliance! Yay!
I bet you did a great job! Wish we could have been there....tell us when you are performing again!
Jewels it was so fun to see you! And your hair was great so no worries. Just let us know when you are performing again and we'll be there. Love you!
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