I have just been made aware of a little something called 'The World's Longest Yard Sale". For 3 days in August, you can travel from Ohio to Alabama on Hwy. 127 and shop 654 miles of deals! Is it wrong that I totally want to go next year? Load up a trailer and go on a road trip? I think it would be so fun! Cody and I have always wanted to go down South - there's all these cool B&B's to stay at, great historic sites...and who knows? Maybe we'll find some treasures.
THAT makes me nervous. Yard sales have magical powers. It's hard to be sensible when you are surrounded by "what ifs" and "could be's" and it becomes an artificial mission to find the good crap among the crappy crap. Then you get home and put ___ in your house and realize the decision was very wrong. They should do studies on this... find the ratio of success/happy endings compared to the junky regrets.
But hey! I'm not one to rain on a parade! Sounds like a hoot! (Better bring a U-haul)
Ahhhh! I've heard about this yard sale also! There was a show about it on HGTV. That would be so awesome. (I sound like a 16 year old boy) I collect antique stuff and would love, love, love to barter the price of an old tire or, retro clock. How fun would that be?
awesome. then make your way up to new york! hope you're feeling better -
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