Last night was our 6th Annual Halloween Party and BOY was it a smash hit! Everyone's costumes were so cool and there were lots of spooky dishes for us to eat - everyone talked and laughed, we listened to music and one of the highlights was watching the music videos that our friends' made. Well, that and my 'bone soap' that looked more like a dog biscuit than an actual bone, but you can only do so much with a butter knife and a bar of Dove. The party was a total smash - we had the best time! But we all know that pictures speak louder than words...
Sam and Lindsay - Biker Couple. Sam had that expression all night....ha!
Chris and Suzanne - Milk Man and 50's Housewife. Suzanne are 'blog friends', it was so fun to finally meet her and hang out, love her.
Chase and Natalie - Popeye and Olive Oil. I heard he had to adjust his costume, his muscles were too big for the shirt...
Frank and Hannah - Frankenstein and his Bride. I don't know how Hannah does it, but her Halloween make-up is always SO cool...she looked amazing!
Tad and Tammy - Mary Queen of Scots and The Executioner. Tammy made their costumes, aren't they great? Tammy loves Halloween as much as I do - kindred spirit!
Brett and Amelia - Prisoners. Doesn't Brett look great with his flowing locks? That's his real hair, too.
Me and Cody!
My Saloon Pic
Wild Buffalo Cody and Kitten Malone. Amelia gave me that dress and let me embellish it. The boots I'm wearing? At least 100 years old, another loan from Amelia. Cody, however, owns everything he's wearing - my personal Cowboy.
Adam and Ann - Gangsters. K, seriously!?! This one made me laugh SO hard, they look great!! Did you see Adam's t-shirt? And Ann's hair and make-up? I love it!!
Tom and Tanya - Gilligan and Ginger. Tanya looked so pretty and Tom was a PERFECT Gilligan!
Some of the girls...
Ew. Tad made this spooky dish poop in a litter box. How nasty is that?? The little turds were tasty, but it took quite a bit of convincing for anyone to try it.
Mingling in the kitchen...
Can I decorate for Christmas now?
You look smokin' hot Julia! But I must admit...I had high hopes to see you as an FLDS wife with glazed over eyes and ratted bangs:)
Wow!! What a party. That is awesome! Great costumes. People are so creative...!
looks like so much fun! I'm sorry we missed it!
The party was great.....thanks for the fun night. It was a hit we had a blast!
Holy Cow! And then there was Julia! You think you hate being related to ME? Give me a freaking break. I have no where near the looks as you- that saloon pic is not Halloween worthy. You look great, Cody looked great, your friends went all out--- what a fun party. Happy Halloween!
jewels the party was so fun! I love the picture of chase trying to feed me POOP! SICK! never-never-never! I just know it was real, the cat must have just eaten a ton of brownies, that is the only reason they smelled like that!
Love the "bone" soap! Looks like your party will go down in history as the party of the year!
Great costume ideas and fun pictures. And the kitty litter dessert is wrong! Just wrong!
looks like so much fun! I am sad...I got my hubby's costume in the mail yesterday and it is I guess runs super small..dag nabbit! We will have to make adjustment and create our own tin man costume..with no time left lol!! Glad you are having a spooky Halloween!
Yeah another fun party! You guys look fantastic!
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