Have you returned to hear more thrilling tales of danger and adventure? Sadly, I have none to tell. Things have been SO crazy the past few days. My play opens this weekend (no big deal) and our rehearsals have been running really late...we had one on Saturday that lasted 7 hours. What? I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed since I'm hardly home and when I am home I just feel exhausted. I think I have almost used up all my babysitting favors and I need many more. Cody has been so great with my hectic schedule - he has sort of taken over and it's been a huge help. My poor house has totally been neglected and I have Halloween decorations scattered all over the place...

But I shall persevere! It was nice being home all day yesterday (oh, how I LOVE Conference weekend) and I was able to clean up and organize, play with boys, remind them who their mother is, etc. My house is almost decorated, but I must admit that I've had to get a bit crafty to be sure that Cole doesn't pull all my hard work apart when my back is turned. My Halloween party invitations are almost done and I'm planning on sending those out this week. I'm getting so excited! Little bit of panic - I still have no clue what Cody and I are going to be this year. I better get on that...do you know what you're going to be? Is your house all ready for Halloween?
um, no and no. i'm such a slacker! i'm usually so pumped for halloween but this year i'm too depressed that it's winter soon. plus i don't want nash to ruin everything, which he very likely will. i do have their costumes figured out-haven is a goldfish and nash is the hulk. no, they do not go together at all, but what the heck. or nash could be the shark again, but that's boring & old. what are your kiddies being?
I am hanging my head in shame. We're gone for Halloween this year so I'm doing nada.
Sad story... I pulled out all my Halloween decorations and I realized that really I have nothing. Time to stock up!
Tim and I haven't dressed up for Halloween for a while. I know, boring. We really haven't had a reason to other than trick or treating with the kids, and it isn't worth it for that. I was a black cat when I taught school because it was simple and inexpensive. Lydia is going to be a fairy princess butterfly that is pink and purple. I don't think she could have thought up something more fru fru. Ali will be whatever she finds in the dress ups. Yes, my house is decorated, but I doubt it is as elaborate as yours. I do love Halloween, but part of the reason I decorate is to keep me from decorating for Christmas this early. Hey, are you up for Gardner Village in the next couple of weeks? Oh, we plan to come see your play too. Good luck!!
I am mid way through the decor process! This might be the busiest fall ever! Cordell is going to be the tin man whilst I am Dorothy and our kids scarecrow and lion! PRobably our last themed halloween with the kiddos, dang jackson for getting an opinion!
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