What am I loving?
Belly Bones and Pumpkin Picking!

How key-yute are these Halloween jammies?? My friend Whitney bought some for her boys and I simply had to find out where she got them. They even glow in the dark, Cache had a great time with that before bed. I may even use them for their Halloween costumes this year! Cache wants to be a ghost - wouldn't it be so great for him to wear his little skeleton jams under his spooky white costume? Boo!

This afternoon we walked over to our Neighbor George's yard to pick out some pumpkins. Ah, sweet George - our old farmer friend. He is so generous to us, we just love him. Cache was very careful to hold on to Cole during the ride over. We were quick to pick out some choice gourds and a couple of cornstalks.
Your boys get cuter by the post! And Sam and Lucy have those same jammies! They are so adorable! Furthermore, please post pics of your adorable house all decked out!
When are you hosting the home tours for us non Halloween inclined folk?
I heart George.
Where did you get those PJ's? I NEED some for Graham. They could be spooky Halloween cousins together!
I also miss you desperately.
Cute, cute, cute jammies. And don't pumpkins just make you smile?!?
Those boys look so cute in those PJs! Don't you love how excited they are to have them on? Cute cute boys!
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