
PGFD Year End Party

Monday night Cody and I went to the year end party for the Fire Department.  I LOVE this party - usually the FD events include the City Departments as well and while those gatherings are fun, it's nice to get together with just the FD.  I'm selfish like that.  I'm not a huge fan of this picture, but it's the only one of Cody and I, so whatevs.  Apparently the flash was too much for us.  We got to sit with the crew and we ate and laughed, got to see and catch up with everyone, it was a blast.  After dinner we got to watch a cinematic snack - Cody and his crew made a movie called "The Station Tour" that poked fun at every shift and it was SO hilarious!  We were laughing so hard, everyone loved it and copies are being requested.

Chase, Natalie, Jake and Cecily watching the movie...

The final hurrah of the evening is a HUGE white elephant game.  We all selected a gift and sat in a huge circle.  My friend Mindi said that I would want to end up with the gift she had brought.  As fate would have it, it ended up in Cody's lap!  I eagerly helped him rip open the paper, and what to my wondering eyes should appear...

My own dapper Edward!  To have and to hold!  Fantastic.  I kept him close to me for the rest of the evening and soon he will be gracing my bedroom wall.  Or ceiling.  

After the party we headed over to Chase and Natalie's for some Rock Band.  Quite possibly the funniest night ever.  Sadly, I don't have many pictures of us rocking out, but as soon as I get my hands on them they will be posted.  Here is Chase acting like a true lead singer.

C-shift girls!  Cecily, me, and Linsy with baby Gage.  Natalie opted to take the picture..
The girls and boys played separately and while the boys got higher scores, the girls were WAY more entertaining!  We were dancing like pros while I busted out "Livin' on a Prayer".  Although I will admit that Cody had some impressive scissor kicks... 

...while Chase swung the mic around like a pro.
It was a great night, we'll have to dual again and SOON.  Rock on.


Mindy said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Not too many people I know have Rock Band. After seeing the pics, it looks like so much fun. I'll need to invest! Saa-wheet!

Anonymous said...


Maybe you should bring him on the trip in June. Seriously.

Shaunee said...

Looks like a great party!

Andrea said...

Um.... if it would help your marriage to 'rid' your home of that fabulous Edward, I so have room on my ceiling....