See? I told you I would be going overboard with pumpkins this year! I can't help myself, those gourds have me by the heartstrings. A few days ago Cody and I took the boys down to see our old neighbor, George. You remember George, right? The dear farmer that lived across the street from us in our old house? We love him. We miss him. Every Fall he lines his driveway with pumpkins from his pasture and it's a great reason to go down and visit him. As soon as we pulled up the boys jumped out of the car and ran to give George a hug...then went to work looking for pumpkins.

We left with a car load! So, so many pumpkins. Tons of sizes and the boys are SO excited. We also left with some sweet meat squash and George gave me some tips on how to cook them (when I have a kitchen, of course, but apparently the squash can keep for months if stored correctly). Cache and Cole climbed on the tractor and George told us about his trips to Alaska and California. It was a wonderful day.

Once we got home we arranged all the pumpkins on our porch, I'll have to take some pictures...it's obvious that I have a problem.
1 comment:
You got the hook up! Pumpkins can get spency! I need a friend like George
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