I attended the auditions purely to watch and help out if needed...then I got sucked in. I thought, "Man...I could do this part, I bet." Once I got cast I was really excited to get to work. We had our first read through and I felt really good about the people in the show (I only knew 2 out of the 11 cast members!). During that first night, I remember thinking how much my sweet Grandmother would love this show...I came home and returned a call to my Mom. My Grandmother had passed away that very evening. I wanted the show to be great, and I dedicated my performance to her.
The rehearsals were SO much fun, I looked forward to them every night. Sometimes we would all bust up laughing on stage...good times. I came to know and love Heidi who played 'Mrs. Rogers'. We are kindreds! Ahh, I will miss our backstage shenanigans (she told me that I reminded her of Vera Ellen in 'White Christmas', how could I NOT love her?). I also feel very fortunate to have acted opposite my leading man, Jeff. This guy was stellar beyond belief - so completely talented and a solid guy through and through. I just adore him. Howard and Kathryn were amazing and the show they created will forever be one of my favorites.
This show was good for me, who would have thought? And I almost didn't audition! Just think what I would have missed out on. Meeting such great people and playing such a fun, wonderful part. Most of our performances were sold out! During the last show I found myself enjoying every moment. In the last scene Jeff and I hug and I may have hugged him a bit too tight. I came off stage and started to tear up (not that you're surprised since I cry at everything). Man, a huge experience. I loved every minute and I miss it so.
And dare I say it, my Grandmother would have been proud.
Oh darling. Adonna was applauding you from the rafters for sure!
I'm glad you decided to share your story about the audition, then finding out about her passing.
Oh how I love you.
Both your grandmothers are proud; the grandfathers, too. I know this. Because I'm the mom! XOXO
I am soooo glad you decided to audition! I enjoyed the show immensely and loved seeing you on stage again. I miss OUR backstage fun! Thanks again for a great show!
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