Cache is 7! What the...?? So crazy. This year he requested a Superhero-themed party...

Funny story - when I showed him the invited I made he was like, "Why is that guy opening his shirt?" I have obviously failed at introducing him to Superman. I also made this poster and put it on the front door. It now adorns Cache's room...

This party was super easy to put together, to my surprise. I kept everything really simple, but fortunately the boys just played most of the time which took a lot of pressure off me feeling like I had to entertain them. While we waited for all the heroes to arrive, the boys sat at the table with treats and colored superhero pictures.

After some coloring we played 'Pin the Reactor on Iron Man'. This was hilarious, the boys had so much fun with this...

And how much do I love all of their wee little costumes. (Don't you love little Gavin in the bottom left corner? All 'Captain America' serious? Fantastic).
We had pizza while I finished decorating the cake.

Yeah - a Macey's original. I wrote the message, removed some ribbons and added the Iron Man...but dude, having the cake taken care of was wonderful. PS - it was super delish. No leftovers. I jest not.

It was such a fun little party and Cache had such a great time. I love, LOVE that little boy. He is so much fun, and I just adore the little man he is becoming. He's growing up and it's breaking my heart, but I am so proud of him. I can brag, right? Of course I can. I went to Parent Teacher Conference tonight and his teachers were raving about what a wonderful student he is. Their class is on a reading level 10. Cache is on level 27. I don't care that he's just in first grade, I'm beaming. Happiest of Birthdays to my little man!!
Happy Birthday, Cache! Love that kid and I seriously can't believe he's SEVEN! Where does the time go?
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Cache! Seven? What? He just gets more and more handsome.
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