Something Wicked This Way Comes...

3rd Annual Ladies Soiree!
Getting ready to go to dinner

What I'm Loving Wednesday
Raul Malo...

I happened upon this lovely gem only by chance. I was messing around on iTunes and found this CD. I LOVE IT! He is like a combination of Chris Isaak and Patsy Cline. I know, random. I'm a fan of retro country and this music totally makes me want to have a Summer party in my backyard with twinkle lights and lemonade...go listen to it! The song "Welcome to My World" is lovely...
Feeling Blah...
Everybody has downer days. The kind of day where you feel...yucky and blah. I had one of these said days last week at Lake Powell. There I was, in all my large pregnant glory with my beautiful sister and my brother's hot little girlfriend. Ah, yes. See, my sister has the most gorgeous skin - even, smooth, a few sun freckles...I'm jealous. Plus she and her husband ride bikes, so she has this super healthy toned body. Rich's girlfriend has the cutest figure - she used to be a dancer, so you know what I'm talking about. If she wasn't so cool it would be much easier to hate her! Oh, and my sister-in-law also joined us on the Lake a few days later. She is 6 months pregnant and looks like she could model swimwear.
Yes, yes I know - I'm pregnant. But let me tell you what, I am SO sick of hearing that. I mean, don't we all have days where we just feel like crap? Where we just want to vent about something and eat a gallon of ice cream so we feel better? I've had friends complain to me about their own issues, and when I mention an issue of mine the response I usually get is, "Oh, well you're pregnant". Um...so that means I'm supposed to be stoked that my rings might not fit over my fingers next week? That everything I put on looks like I'm squeezing into a sausage casing? I get that being pregnant means that everything gets a little bigger, a little softer - that's expected. That doesn't mean, however, that I walk around thinking, "I like being the size of a walrus, I've never felt so beautiful! I'm glowing!"
So what do you do when you're feeling blah? For me, I tend to shop online, eat something that has a plethora of calories - the usual. Is there something you do that always snaps you out of being in the dumps? Spill your secrets!
...Just as I finished writing this post, Cody's sister just texted me and asked if I am having twins. Sigh...

So what do you do when you're feeling blah? For me, I tend to shop online, eat something that has a plethora of calories - the usual. Is there something you do that always snaps you out of being in the dumps? Spill your secrets!
...Just as I finished writing this post, Cody's sister just texted me and asked if I am having twins. Sigh...
What a week I'm having!
What a wonderful week! The Girls Trip is just 4 days away and I am so stoked, I can hardly wait! Cody and I just got back from Lake Powell last night and it was soooo fabulous. It felt like we were gone forever, lots of relaxing and napping and surfing and...ahhh, it was Heaven. My whole family was there and we parked the boat at a beach we used to go to when we were little! My brother Rich found the tiniest little lizard, isn't it cute? As soon as I took this picture, the lizard ran up into Rich's hair and buried himself.
We also spent a windy afternoon flying some kites...I probably won't make it back to the Lake again this year. So sad! I'll just have to go lots next year.
Before I left for Powell I sent out the Diva Packets for the 3rd Annual Soiree that is this weekend. They turned out so great! The theme this year was "Diva University". We are having the trip here in Utah because this is where we all met - either in High School or College. Here is what the packets looked like-
Inside I had a Diva U Spirit t-shirt, a red pom-pom, an Orientation Packet that had an acceptance letter from the Dean of the University (me), a syllabus (trip itinerary) and a packing list. There was also an activity card for each girl, a pennant flag, a DVD full of pictures from last years' trip and a CD of songs for this year.
Smash Hit
Cody's party turned out so great! Lots of yummy food and we got to spend time with our friends, it was awesome. The food was delish - Kabobs, corn, salad, chips and salsa, strawberries and cream...Mmmm. It was fun decorating everything - here is our dining room table:
I covered it in green felt, chips and dice. I even made sure that each pair of dice was rolled to a "7" in honor of the Birthday boy.
I also had some shopping finds this week - some great silk shirts that I obviously can't wear until after the baby. But hey, they were fab and on sale - the best combo ever! I LOVE this shirt. It's really thin and light, plus the pattern is super pretty.
I'm getting some things ready for Cody's party and I thought I would post pictures of the invites I made. They were pretty simple, here's the front of the card:

And here's the inside...
Didn't they turn out great? I'm doing a casino theme so I put the return address as "Jolley Casino". I think the party is going to turn out really cool, I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

And here's the inside...

Not Gonna

I could pop some popcorn, settle in and watch a movie. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
What I'm Loving Wednesday
I didn't do WILW last week, so I'm posting two things that I'm loving right now.

I enjoy a nice shimmer lotion, especially in the Summer - it makes my skin look all golden and dreamy, I just love it! However, it's almost impossible to find a lotion that has some sheen to it without it containing any self-tanner. This little jar has the best of both - It's like this glittery oil you can put on your arms, legs and chest and it will give you a hint of color and some shimmer. I only put it on my legs because it is kinda slickery and you have to let it absorb before getting dressed so it doesn't get on your clothes, etc. It's from Victoria's Secret, gives me an instant glow and it washes right off in the shower. So great! Oh, and it smells like coconuts and Summertime.
What else am I loving? Fall Fashion!
Yes, yes - it's July, but so many stores and mags are starting to advertise Fall lines and I am SO excited! Fall is my favorite time of year and it just so happens that I love Fall fashion more than any other season. Love it! I'm getting so excited to wear boots and tweed and sweaters...even though it's over 100 right now and I'm thinking about taking an ice bath.
Bronzing Oil!

I enjoy a nice shimmer lotion, especially in the Summer - it makes my skin look all golden and dreamy, I just love it! However, it's almost impossible to find a lotion that has some sheen to it without it containing any self-tanner. This little jar has the best of both - It's like this glittery oil you can put on your arms, legs and chest and it will give you a hint of color and some shimmer. I only put it on my legs because it is kinda slickery and you have to let it absorb before getting dressed so it doesn't get on your clothes, etc. It's from Victoria's Secret, gives me an instant glow and it washes right off in the shower. So great! Oh, and it smells like coconuts and Summertime.

Yes, yes - it's July, but so many stores and mags are starting to advertise Fall lines and I am SO excited! Fall is my favorite time of year and it just so happens that I love Fall fashion more than any other season. Love it! I'm getting so excited to wear boots and tweed and sweaters...even though it's over 100 right now and I'm thinking about taking an ice bath.
So Much To Do

The Girls Trip I plan each year is vastly approaching - only two weeks from Thursday. While I am beyond excited for this trip, I am stressing over the fact that I need to assemble and mail out the Diva Packets this week. "Pray, what is a Diva Packet?" Well, I'll tell you. Before each trip, I put together a little packet for each girl that has an itinerary, some gifts, a CD of songs for the trip and a DVD of pictures from the trip the year before. It's kind of involved and I still have lots to do. *Sigh* I hope I can get it all done and mailed out in the next day or two!
Cody's Birthday party is this Saturday, so naturally I'm starting to get into party-frenzy mode. This means I am frantic about getting my house clean and organized in hopes to fool my guests into thinking that I live like that all the time. Not to mention I suddenly want certain house projects done right away that in no way, shape or form will be finished in the next 4 days. Do I still stress about it? You bet.
I have decided to hire a family friend to paint some rooms in my house. We have moved our desk and office stuff downstairs so we can make the Study a Nursery. We want to re-do Cache's room and finally take some time to work on our bedroom. Since Cody works all the time and I'm not really in the best situation to do lots of painting, my friend Brian is willing to come over and take a look at the rooms we want painted and get started. Did I mention how excited I am about this? I really wanted to have him get started right away, but I'm not super stoked about having drop cloths all over my house during the party this weekend...except that might be an improvement.
And finally, the quest for new furniture. We are going to sell our leather couches in our family room and hopefully replace them with a sweet sectional. I LOVE our couches, but I just think a sectional would fit in the room better (Anyone interested? Lemme know). Of course, I also want bookcases and a plethora of other items for my home all before I have this little baby in two months. Whoa...8 weeks. I have SO much to do!!
Happy Birthday, Cody!
Cody M. Jolley
Born: 7-7-77
7 lbs. 7 oz.
Born: 7-7-77
7 lbs. 7 oz.
Check out this handsome devil...

Today is Cody's 30th Birthday and we celebrated ALL day! We had a huge breakfast with my family which put us in a food coma until about 3:00 this afternoon. After he opened his presents, we went out on the Lake with our friend Adam and spent some time in the sun (well...too much time, we're a smidge burned - oops!). Then this evening we did some shopping and had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. I love you, Code - Happy, Happy Birthday!
Celebrating the 4th
Cache sitting with my brother Rich and Marty's wife, Jessica
That night we drove up to PG to watch the big fireworks show! The PF Fire Dept. was in charge of setting up all the fireworks and lighting them. I wasn't sure how Cache would react, so I brought some big headphones for him to wear in hopes that it wouldn't be too loud for him. It didn't seem to matter! My parents joined us and as soon as the fireworks started, he hung on to my Mother for dear life.
The fireworks were right above us - it was insane! Super loud, but it was so awesome - just HUGE fireworks...rad. All in all, the 4th was a total blast but it wore me out! I'm glad Cache had such a great time, I can't wait to do it again next year.

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