The Girls Trip I plan each year is vastly approaching - only two weeks from Thursday. While I am beyond excited for this trip, I am stressing over the fact that I need to assemble and mail out the Diva Packets this week. "Pray, what is a Diva Packet?" Well, I'll tell you. Before each trip, I put together a little packet for each girl that has an itinerary, some gifts, a CD of songs for the trip and a DVD of pictures from the trip the year before. It's kind of involved and I still have lots to do. *Sigh* I hope I can get it all done and mailed out in the next day or two!
Cody's Birthday party is this Saturday, so naturally I'm starting to get into party-frenzy mode. This means I am frantic about getting my house clean and organized in hopes to fool my guests into thinking that I live like that all the time. Not to mention I suddenly want certain house projects done right away that in no way, shape or form will be finished in the next 4 days. Do I still stress about it? You bet.
I have decided to hire a family friend to paint some rooms in my house. We have moved our desk and office stuff downstairs so we can make the Study a Nursery. We want to re-do Cache's room and finally take some time to work on our bedroom. Since Cody works all the time and I'm not really in the best situation to do lots of painting, my friend Brian is willing to come over and take a look at the rooms we want painted and get started. Did I mention how excited I am about this? I really wanted to have him get started right away, but I'm not super stoked about having drop cloths all over my house during the party this weekend...except that might be an improvement.
And finally, the quest for new furniture. We are going to sell our leather couches in our family room and hopefully replace them with a sweet sectional. I LOVE our couches, but I just think a sectional would fit in the room better (Anyone interested? Lemme know). Of course, I also want bookcases and a plethora of other items for my home all before I have this little baby in two months. Whoa...8 weeks. I have SO much to do!!
Look at you and all your projects! I'm sure your party will be fab, as they always are.
And I love that you're already selling the couches. I know you've had them for a few years now but it sort of feels like yesterday that you got them!
Amen to all that! I'm feeling exactly the same way! Actually, Jim is painting right this minute...still so much to do! And I have to get it all put together before my sister stays with us on Saturday! Ahhh....
mmmmm, leather couches. If I had ANYWHERE to put them, I might chat with you about it. Alas, it's an opportunity that I will have to pass on for now, while I close my eyes and pretend to enjoy the pink floral couch in my parents' living room...
You sound very busy, but I'm with Kate. Your projects always turn out splendidly!
Dude...MINE!!! Name your price!!!
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