July is here - officially the craziest month of the year for me, but I'm so excited! My sister and her family are coming up tonight and will stay all week to enjoy the 4th of July festivities with us. On July 3rd we are getting up super early to take the kids over to a huge field by the hospital where they launch tons of hot air balloons at sunrise. They serve a big breakfast and lots of people turn out for it, it's so much fun!

On the 4th we are planning on watching the HUGE parade downtown. Seriously, I think the parade lasts like 3 hours...a little intense! But the kids love it and as long as I get to drink some lemonade in the shade, I'll be good. That afternoon we'll head over to Cody's great-grandma's house for the traditional Jolley Picnic. After that we'll go up to Pleasant Grove to watch Fireworks - Cody and the rest of the Firefighters are going to be in charge of setting them up, lighting them, etc. I'm stoked because that means we get rock star seating for the fireworks show! I'm sure once that is over, we'll all be ready for a good nights' sleep.

The rest of this month holds many occasions - Cody's 30th Birthday on July 7th (yeah...still not so sure what we're doing to celebrate that), a Powell trip with my family, the Girls trip (which is going to rock, have I mentioned?) and OH! Shark week starts July 29th...go mark your calendars. Happy July!
I am so happy that it's July! That means the Girl's Trip is SO CLOSE and it also means that we're about halfway through the HELL of the Phoenix summer! WOOT!
Oh, how I love July. And I'll TOTALLY be at the parade too! And how cool about your "rock star" seats for the fireworks!! I'm SO jealous.
did you make that cute hat? i want to go to the hot air balloon & breakfast thing! how do you get tickets?
we got free stadium of fire tickets this year....i'm not so sure about it, but this will be the first time steve and i will ever watch fireworks together, so that's a yay!
I have no clue what we are doing for the 4th. Probably nothing.
Pathetic. And... am I invited on this girls trip??? Or to Powell? I'm feeling left out here....
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