Everybody has downer days. The kind of day where you feel...yucky and blah. I had one of these said days last week at Lake Powell. There I was, in all my large pregnant glory with my beautiful sister and my brother's hot little girlfriend. Ah, yes. See, my sister has the most gorgeous skin - even, smooth, a few sun freckles...I'm jealous. Plus she and her husband ride bikes, so she has this super healthy toned body. Rich's girlfriend has the cutest figure - she used to be a dancer, so you know what I'm talking about. If she wasn't so cool it would be much easier to hate her! Oh, and my sister-in-law also joined us on the Lake a few days later. She is 6 months pregnant and looks like she could model swimwear.

Yes, yes I know - I'm pregnant. But let me tell you what, I am SO sick of hearing that. I mean, don't we all have days where we just feel like crap? Where we just want to vent about something and eat a gallon of ice cream so we feel better? I've had friends complain to me about their own issues, and when I mention an issue of mine the response I usually get is, "Oh, well you're pregnant". Um...so that means I'm supposed to be stoked that my rings might not fit over my fingers next week? That everything I put on looks like I'm squeezing into a sausage casing? I get that being pregnant means that everything gets a little bigger, a little softer - that's expected. That doesn't mean, however, that I walk around thinking, "I like being the size of a walrus, I've never felt so beautiful! I'm glowing!"
So what do you do when you're feeling blah? For me, I tend to shop online, eat something that has a plethora of calories - the usual. Is there something you do that always snaps you out of being in the dumps? Spill your secrets!
...Just as I finished writing this post, Cody's sister just texted me and asked if I am having twins. Sigh...
HA! when i got to that point (and it might be a little too early on) i just jumped on the treadmill and ran till that baby came out! i feel you-everyone has the right to complain-it sucks when people take it away from you. pregnancy is no picnic....just hold on tight and you'll have a beautiful baby soon!
Awww, fear not little friend. I am here to ingest all the calories we can eat and shop until our feet fall off! Nothing like retail/food therapy!
Cannot! Believe! the text message.
I would die. I would die and then kill. I felt that way basically every minute of BOTH of my pregnancies. I hated people excusing my feelings just because I was pregnant. I thought it was completely rude and sucky.
Anyway. I feel for you. I am sorry you had a down day. I had a few this week myself... and well, I eat chocolate and lounge in my sweats and favorite tshirt. Oh yeah. And the kids park it in front of a movie or go outside during that time. I usually need a lot of quiet as well. Comfy clothes, chocolate, and QUIET. Yep. That is happy right there.
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