I have lots to do. You know this. Lots going on, lots of things on my mind. Today - I took a break. Cache and I spent the day in Salt Lake with my Mom, some shoes were purchased, we went to lunch with my brothers, and we (ok,
I) did some damage at Ikea. After I took my Mom home, I went to see Cody at the fire station. Later Cache and I came home, brought in our loot, had some dinner and I put him to bed. Now? Hmmmm, I guess I could start on some laundry, organize some things, clean the floors.
I could pop some popcorn, settle in and watch a movie. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
A well deserved break at that! I don't know how you do all the things you do! You're amazing. Hope you watched a great movie! Love you!!
K- I so lova you but if you have so much to do, how in the world do you get it all done AND blog about all these things? It's more than I can manage....
Impressive....most impressive...
(said in my best Darth voice)
Mmm, popcorn and movies. The best way to end the day...
Sounds good to me! Glad you had such a productive day!!!
Here Here! Yay for popcorn and a movie... I'm totally considering the same thing. Even though I haven't accomplished ANYTHING today (and I consider your shopping to be a HUGE accomplishment). Seriously. It's nearly 3:00 and I'm in my pajamas. Still, I'm listening to my four year old SCREAM that I HIT him (which would be miraculous indeed, since I'm in an entirely different ROOM), so perhaps that merits a movie party for myself? yes, yes, I think it does.
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