The 4th was a busy day! We had lots going on - First we met my family for the huge Provo parade. My brother's girlfriends family (got that?) lives on the street that the parade is on, so we set up a tent and enjoyed all the sparkly floats and marching bands. Audrey's family (my brothers girlfriend...still with me?) lives in the neighborhood we grew up in - her mom actually gave some us of piano lessons - so we were able to see lots of friends and families from our old ward. It was so cool to see all of them!
Cache sitting with my brother Rich and Marty's wife, Jessica

It was so fun! The parade lasted a few hours and Cache seemed to enjoy himself. He brought a long a few friends and wanted to be sure they had a great seat.

After the parade we went to Cody's great-grandma's house for the traditional Jolley Picnic. Cody's brother-in-law had his friend from the Fire Department play the bagpipes for us after lunch, it was pretty sweet.

There was tons of food and lots of treats...Cache helped himself.

We got home around 3:00...we were all pretty tuckered out, naps were taken.

That night we drove up to PG to watch the big fireworks show! The PF Fire Dept. was in charge of setting up all the fireworks and lighting them. I wasn't sure how Cache would react, so I brought some big headphones for him to wear in hopes that it wouldn't be too loud for him. It didn't seem to matter! My parents joined us and as soon as the fireworks started, he hung on to my Mother for dear life.

The fireworks were right above us - it was insane! Super loud, but it was so awesome - just HUGE fireworks...rad. All in all, the 4th was a total blast but it wore me out! I'm glad Cache had such a great time, I can't wait to do it again next year.

I have many Birthday errands to run for Cody tomorrow. We had hoped to go to Vegas for his Birthday on Saturday, but since we still have no AC (ugh) I'm not ready to make that steamy drive. I think we are planning on having breakfast with my family, spending most of the day at the Lake and going to dinner together. I got a sitter for the day, so it will be nice to spend some alone time with the Code-Man. I'm throwing an actual Birthday party for him next weekend (just wait until I post the invite - they turned out great!) with some of our friends. I'm totally looking forward to that, so I should probably start cleaning my house now so that it's clean by then. Trust me, it will take me that long...
Great pictures! We were at the same parade! I know, shocker. hahaha. We didn't stay for long, because Blake had to pee so bad that he was crying. So, um, we left. Sounds like you guys had an awesome day!
Dude I miss Provo on the 4th. I love the picture of Cache and Cody conked on the bed. So freaking cute!
Good luck with Cody's birthday! I can't wait to see the invites!
Very cool fireworks shot!! Is that from the show you went to? Did you take that pic?
Anyway. My fourth was BORING compared to yours.... oh well. Maybe next year I'll take my kids to the parade at city hall.... who knows.
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