Whoa, where have I been? Lots went on this weekend - my sister was in town and we spent lots of time together. Oh, how I love her. Friday we went to Gardner Village (and some other places to look for Halloween treasures) and scored some lovely gems! We did lots of walking and lots of shopping. Here are some pictures of our day:
My Mom and Andrea walking to the car to unload some of their purchases

One of the bridges in the middle of the Village

We may or may not have gone a little overboard on the shopping...

One of my favorite finds of the day! Wood grain wrapping paper. Isn't it rad?

Another nifty find - patterned packing tape and garbage bags. Impractical? Maybe. But super great for my Halloween party! These actually reminded me of my friend, Ann. I think she would love them!

Needless to say, I was BEAT once we got home. Soooo ready for bed! Cody was home on Saturday and we got to spend the day together. What did we do? Well...I took him up to Gardner Village again! I know how it sounds, but I promise I'm not obsessed with the place. It was a last minute thing and we just up and decided to run up there really quick to look at this great fabric store I found (more on that later in the post). I'm hoping to make curtains for the boys rooms and I wanted his opinion on some prints that I liked.
We got some swatches and ended the day in the candy shoppe where Cache was in Heaven...

That night we got to go see the comedian Brian Regan with my family. If you have not yet heard of this comical genius, you MUST go check him out! Seriously, the funniest person ever - he makes me cry. I was laughing so hard I thought I would go into labor! Ok, not really. It was SO much fun, it was awesome that I got to go with the whole family.

Back to the fabric store I discovered at Gardner Village. I bought SO much fabric! All in hopes of making more onesies and burp cloths. I want to keep making them and hopefully I'll get better and better. This store had the cutest prints and colors - my Mom and sister and I spent over an hour in that store looking at all the cloth goodies.

But I have a question - I've thought about selling these, would you buy one? Or some? Or many? Little burp cloths or onesies? I feel weird asking...but I'm curious. I would probably just sell them through my Blog or something like that, nothing huge. Thoughts?
Wow, you had a blast!! I haven't ever been to Gardner Village, but I hear it is awesome. I think it's great that you are making onesies and burp clothes. You can count me in to buy a few...I'll have to wait till number two comes along...unless you make 24 months (my daughter is in 18 months and she is one year). What can I say, she is really tall
Of course I can make 24 months! I guess I should have said that...but yes, doesn't matter the size. Thanks, Nicole!
Um yes. Because there's no way on EARTH I would have come up with that cool birdy in the tree one you made for Heather...or any of them for that matter...but that was my fav! Such cool fabric...I need to go there because I wanted to make those nursing covers for cheaper than they sell them here: www.bebeaulait.com
It looks like you had a great time Jewels! And you did score some major finds...I'll have to go check things out! Also, I certainly think people would buy your cute creations (I know I would)!
Wow! I am so behind the game with Halloween decorations. I usually don't think about them til October. But YOU are inspiring me. AND I am totally thinking of throwing a big Halloween party this year. Haven't done that yet... but I think I'm ready. Those garbage bags? Holy CUTE. But whoa. You have to throw them away..... Anyway. Your fam is so cute. Can't wait to see the baby!
And. I totally would buy your goods. And I know... if publicized correctly, others would as well. Go for it Jewels!
As soon as I have babies, i want many, many onsies and burb cloths. You can count me in as a customer!
You can also count me in....provided my friends keep having offspring. I may not....BUT I might get a dog- can you make doggie onesies?
Hey this is Sheila & Kate's friend Heather (don't worry, not a stalker). I was totally thinking you should sell those onesies & burp cloths (i'd totally buy them), super cute!! And another thing, i'm a lover of Halloween myself and you need to check out www.tenderheart.com, they have some way cute Halloween stuff there!
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