Last night we went to a City Party for PG City Employees. The weather wasn't so much cooperating - there were a few nervous moments under the pavillion! It was really windy and there was some serious thunder and lightening. It didn't rain very hard or very long, but it did produce some glorious rainbows. After we were done eating, we waited for a bit until the storm passed and then headed up to the Pool for some night swimming!

I've said before that Cache doesn't really love the water, but last night he totally surprised me! We were watching Cody and the other firefighters in the cannonball contest and Cache kept wanting to go jump in. Cody then took him into the shallow end and swam with him a little bit - he totally loved it! We'll have to go back, he didn't want to get out of the water. We were there pretty late, but it was so much fun - we got to see our friends Marc and Jessica and it was nice to hang out.
Cody and I have some random errands to run today, but I'd much rather be running errands with him than by myself! These few days off with him home have been great - I'll be sad when he goes back to work...forever. We need to go up to Ikea and perhaps Home Depot to get some things for the nursery. Cody is planning on building a bed for Cache that looks like a bulldozer. I have no doubts that he can do it, it's just that he has about 1,000 other projects going on and who knows when it will get finished....gotta love him.

My sister and her family come in town tomorrow for the weekend - yay! It's so funny, I think I've seen my sister about every 3 weeks this Summer. My Mom and I are going shopping for Halloween stuff tomorrow afternoon after my Dr. appt (I'll let you know how that goes) and then my sister will join us on Friday for some more spooky shopping! I'm so excited!! Did you know that my grocery store already has Halloween candy for sale? Fantastic.
whew!!! look at the muskly men of yours! what a lucky gal!
Wow! That is a fantastic pic of your guys! I even clicked on it so I could see all the muscles--AHEM--I mean, um, sweet smiles...
I miss Utah rainbows :(
Cache is so freaking cute. And that exercise program Cody is using is working! Meow!
Looks like you had a great time! Those rainbows are beautiful and your men look so cute together! Hope you have fun shopping with your mom....
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