Last night was my friend Heather's baby shower! Ann did a fabulous job of hosting in her new house (which is awesome) and everyone had a blast. It was so fun to see everybody and catch up - not to mention the treats. Ooooh, the treats. For my gift, I decided to sew some onesies for her new little girl - I've never done it before (I don't even sew...first obstacle) but my sister has made some and I have always wanted to try it. She sewed some onesies for her kids and gave me some burp cloths she made for Cache when he was born. Cody showed me how to use the sewing machine on Sunday night (yes, the man can sew like a banshee) and now I'm totally addicted! I made her some onesies and burp cloths. I think they turned out pretty cute, but hopefully with a little more practice I'll get better! Lots of pictures, buckle up...
Here are the burp cloths - they were so easy!

Yellow flower

This was the simplest design but it took the longest...the band goes all the way around


This was sewn on the back right below the collar

This is probably my favorite one...


...and fishy bum

This one was sort of last minute, but I liked how it turned out

This was the 'Disclaimer Gift'. I bought this cute fleece and pink velvet trim with plans to make a little blanket for the baby, but I didn't have time to finish it. I'm going to finish it this week and get it to Heather stat!

She is naming her daughter Stella, so I glittered a wooden letter for her nursery.

What a fancy gift!

The lovely mom-to-be with her spoils!

The shower really was so fun - we just hung out and talked...I haven't seen some of those girls forever! I had so much fun making all that baby stuff that I went out today and bought some things to make more. Hmmm, so many possibilities!
Hey you....I was just getting ready to post these on my blog too~they are just to die for! Seriously, thank you so much for all your hard work and effort...our baby girl will love them all!
so cute- well done, Jewels!!!
I bow to your creativity. You are amazing.
Sweet. I'll be dropping off my some shirts for you to take in- let me know when you can hem my 'fun jeans' as well.
Confession! Hi, I'm a fan from Baltimore, MD. I have to finally come out that I'm spying on your blog! I think I was bored one day and started blog hopping. I am a friend of Kathleen Rawlins (I don't know her maiden name), but she said she was your hair dresser in Utah...she's not in TX. I hopped from her blog to yours. I love all of the cute projects and I'm just wondering what you used to make the onies? They are so cute! Did you just use regular fabric and cut out some of the prints? Hope you'll share your secrets...mine can be found at
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