I'd like to think that I'm sort of a sassy person. I love heels, cool bags, glammy tops, etc. Cody likes how I dress, but rarely will he look at something that I've picked out while shopping and say, "Wow, that is SO cute!". However, I would
like to think that the man knows me and my fashion sense well enough to know when I'm joking about loving an item that's completely ridiculous. For example - last night while Cody was watching the news, I was looking online at some of my favorite teeny-bopper clothing sites (a guilty pleasure of mine, no judging). Sometimes I can find totally cute stuff and it's always inexpensive - how great is that? Whilst browsing in the shoe section of one of these said sites, I came upon these...

I promise, other than this boots this site is totally G-rated. Ok, except for maybe a t-shirt that says, "Your boyfriend thinks I'm hot". So I turn to Cody and say, "I'm totally going to get these". He looks over and sort of sticks his lips out and nods, like "Mm-Hmm, Mm-Hmm". To continue with my wittiness, I add, "You know, to wear to PTA Meetings and Christmas dinner with the family". Still no real reaction from the husband. Finally I say, "I'm kidding, by the way". His response? "Oh really?" Um....I reply, "Do you honestly think I would want to buy and wear those??" and he innocently says, "Well, when you tell me you want to buy something, I just assume you're serious." Oh dear. Although, I guess this means that I can finally buy that dominatrix ensemble I've been eying at the local sex shop.

Tonight I am going to the Theater where I was in a play last year. They are doing 'Steel Magnolias' this Fall and the Director called me a few months ago to offer me the part of Shelby, but I really wanted to play Annelle. "No problem, it's yours". Yay! I have been looking forward to this and I'm so excited...although now I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn it down. They know that I'll have a new baby and were willing to work around that, but I also know they were a bit nervous about hiring me so soon after having a baby. The show opens at the end of October and there would be a LOT of rehearsals until then. If I just had the newborn I might be able to do it, but with Cache and Cody working so much...I just don't think I'll be able to swing it. It wouldn't be fair to the other women in the show and I don't think it's best for me right now. I'm so bummed about it! I so, so wanted to be in this play. They are going to let me sit in during some of the auditions tonight, which will be fun. I'll just have to be ready for the show they do in the Spring!

Had another Dr. appt today. Looks like I'll be going in again on Monday to see where I am...still no induction date, but it will be sometime next week! Unless the little guy decides to show up on his own...
DAG! I was SO going to surprise you go try out if you were going to be in it. I thought it would be uber fun if we were in our first play together in, what, 10 years?? Dag. I just don't think I could take all the Tony Winning acting without you though...
You would be great in that play...but others will come along so don't worry about it! That might just be too much with a brand new baby (not to mention Halloween during it all)!
Heather makes a very valid point about Halloween!
And I feel your pain on turning down the play. I got offered a small part in a musical today and with the move, the new title at work and lots of other stuff going on I just don't think I can handle it!
Hot boots. You should TOTALLY get those.
Ok I just re-read. You are freaking hilarious. Dominatrix . . . hahahah
At the shop, make you you mention my name. You'll get a discount.
HAHAHAHA. Okay, you are so stinkin' funny.
And, by the way, a newborn baby and a toddler and a play? I really hope you don't do that to yourself. I mean, I'm sure you COULD do it, being superwoman and all, but I just think that you'll hate yourself for trying. Sore body, sore boobs, so tired you want to die, jealous toddler looking for special mommy time, not to mention oatmeal brain incapable of memorizing lines...
And what I mean by all of that, of course, is that new motherhood is such a joyful, happy time. Hahahaha. Don't let me get too negative on you. Just trying to be realistic! :-)
I can't believe how soon that baby's going to be here! In fact... you might be in labor right now as I sit here typing... wo. Crazy thought. HUGS!!!!!
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