...What Not To Wear!

I adore this show. Stacy and Clinton could quite possibly be my most favorite people ever! They are so funny and clever, how could one not fall in love with them? Stacy is such a sassy little dish and Clinton is so dapper - they are fabulous. Their shows are always SO good and
bonus! - This weekend they are having a special where they are visiting some people they have helped in the past to see how they're doing with the fashion rules and what have you. Oh yes, I'll be tuning in.

So, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm going to be bringing home a new baby next week and it's really, really starting to hit me. I'm super excited, but I have so much to do! It's just that whole "nesting" feeling, I guess. Tonight I'm hoping to get the Bassinet all cleaned out and ready for the little guy, not to mention washing all of the baby clothes and cleaning the house. It's like I want everything super clean and 'done' so I don't have to worry about it when I come home from the Hospital. Oh, the Hospital. I have done this before, but I'm getting a little nervous about labor and everything. Ahh, just so many things to think about. I should probably get back to my list of things to do to keep my mind clear!
Oh man I can't imagine that exciting/ominous feeling! I'm excited to meet your new baby and I hope you can get all that stuff done so you can relax!
AND, I love What Not to Wear! So great!
NEXT WEEK?!?! What the crap!?! That seems sooo soon. But I love that feeling of being anxious about labor but so stoked to get the kid OUT!
"I'm going to be bringing home a new baby next week..." she said in a matter-of-fact way!!!! holy cow! i can't believe it's next week! and i haven't even met #1 yet! you'll do great, i'm sure of it. take your computer (if you have a laptop, of course) and blog the second it's all over! i kid, i kid. sort of......
Dude I'm so with Lizzy. We want blogs from the hospital! :D
Amen to that...I can't believe the time has finally arrived! If our baby doesn't get here this weekend then we go in on Monday night! Crazy huh...I can't wait to meet her and I'm sure you are just dying to meet your little guy too!
When I get my DVR next week I am SO starting to record that show... bcuz. I LOVE it. And you will do awesome. Just know that things will be different from the first time you did this. I didn't know that... and it was hard. But, now you know and you will do great!!!! Cannot believe it is going to be NEXT week. HOly MOly.
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