Saturday I was busy putting together some pirate kits - my parents take a trip to Lake Powell with their friends every year and they asked me to put together the invitations. On Saturday I probably ran about 37 errands before Cache's naptime and then spent the evening up at my parents house putting them together and getting them ready to be delivered. I didn't have much time, but I think they turned out pretty great!
Here is the official invitation. The picture didn't turn out great, but these invites were hilarious. A little touch of pirate jargon can get anybody ready to swab the decks.
I'm really happy with the finished product, but it totally wore me out! Cody worked for 3 days straight and finally came home this morning. He has a rare few days off and I'm SO happy to have him home! We'll be busy with nursery and home project stuff, but as long as he's around I'm good. Tomorrow we are going to a Fire Department dinner and pool party where there is a bathing suit contest for the firefighters - Cody is determined to win it. Don't you worry, I'll be taking pictures...
These look really great Jewels! I'm sure your parents friends will be so excited to get them!
And tell Dina good luck at the swimsuit contest...I'm sure he'll win it!
Yeah, you are incredible. Those things are so freaking awesome!!
You do so good at these! There has to be a way for you to make money doing them!! You should do invitations for hire! Seriously! I love em!
GOOD HELL!!! and you think I'M creative?!?!?! sheesh girl, you outdo yourself!
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