Today was a great day - ran some errands, got to relax during Cache's nap, and Cache and I were able to spend some time outside before dinner. The past few days have been cloudy and rainy which has been nice since it's been so hot! Yesterday Cache and I sat on the porch and watched the rain for a while. He's still getting used to hearing thunder, but I think it freaks him out a bit. I bought him this little inflatable pool (just a small step down from the real thing, right?) and I filled it up today. Before we took it outside, Cache called it his 'boat' and wanted to watch a show while sitting in it.

Before dinner I filled it with water and we sat outside and he splashed in it for a while. He hasn't been much of a water baby, so I want him to get used to spending more time in water and hopefully he'll start to like it more! He had a blast...until he slipped a time or two and I think the shock of the chilly hose water made him a bit wary. It was so warm tonight that I actually sat in the little pool for a minute to cool off!

Afterwards I had Cache help me make pizza for dinner. Well...he was supposed to be helping me, but he just kept eating all the cheese that he was supposed to be putting on the pizza.

Dinner was super yummy - here he is enjoying his pizza and some rootbeer. We wrapped up the night watching the epic adventure "Cars" and once that was over, Cache was ready to get into bed.

I'm working on some presents for my friend Heather's baby shower on Monday. She is due one week before me and I can't believe that the baby is almost here! Cody has this weekend off so we'll be working on the nursery and lots of baby stuff while he's home. I can't wait until it's all done!
You look so cute! I also love the idea of the boat inside the house, that is genius! We should get the boys "swimming" together. I think they'd love it!
So great! I love days like that.
Oh and Jewels, in that picture with Cache you look HOT!!
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