Tis the 29th of February! A rare day that only comes around what, every 4 years? I should be doing something special today. Something to warrant this little gift of an extra day. Nothing comes to mind just yet, but the day is young! I can tell you that we are going to look at another house in PG this afternoon. I'm pretty stoked! Yesterday Cody and I spent a few glorious hours at Ikea (anyone who knows me is well aware of my devotion to this Swedish import). We purchased some much needed items for our house and talked about what we would like to do in our next one...house talk is so much fun. We ran into our friend Mark who practically runs the place, it was so great to see him! Cache was more than happy to try out every chair and every mattress - but I think his favorite passtime was playing with their activity stands they have throughout the store.
Cody is working on his gym this morning with Dave and Jason - it's really coming along and I'm very excited for them! Cody took Cache with him a few days ago (I think most of the guys brought some of their kids) and put him to work - I'm sure Cache was huge help. This picture is Jason with one of his boys - so cute! Since I have a few hours to kill, I think I will try to get to Home Depot to buy some plants before we go see the house this afternoon. I'll keep you posted!
Finally - beins that this is the last day in the month of amore, I need to post my final list of things I love. Here we go!
1 - Happy Monster Band. Those with kids may know what I'm talking about. This fantastic animated foursome is on Playhouse Disney in the mornings and I LOVE THEM! My sister called me about them yesterday, we are huge fans. The band that does the music for it is called 'Tally Hall', a band that I mentioned on my fitness blog a while back. Their voices are so cool, go download 'Haiku' and send me a thank you note.
2 - Getting popcorn and a drink at a movie theater. I love going to movies, but I think getting a little treat at the snack bar makes the experience that much better. I could be full from dinner and not interested in a box of milk duds, but as soon as I smell that buttery popcorn goodness I instantly have room for some snacks!
3 - Planning our Summers. I'm one of those geeks who buys big desk calendars each January, sits down with colored markers and fills in important dates, Birthdays and vacations. Our Summer is filling up fast, but I'm SO excited for everything we have planned! Powell, Girls Trip, Disneyland, High School Reunion....
4 - Summer tunes. You know those songs that just fill you with sunshine? That make your stomach all fluttery when you listen to them? Those songs are the best ever. Driving around with your window down, feeling the warm breeze, listening to a great song...at that moment all is right with the world.
5 - Adobe Illustrator. I'm still learning how to use this wonderful program, but from what I have learned thus far? I cannot live without it!