I am getting SO excited for Spring! Easter decorations are everywhere and snow is melting. I'm pretty sure that we haven't seen the last of the snow, but for now the nice weather is a grand distraction. What are you excited for when the weather turns warm?
I also need you to tell me some great songs to listen to - tunes that evoke that summery feeling. I know my sister will have some great suggestions because she is so music savvy (along with my brother, Rich). Let me know some favorites so I can start listening to them tout suite!
As far as things go on the home front, I am overwhelmed with projects (as usual). On top of little things I'm doing, I have the enormous task of organizing my home in hopes to get it on the market. I'm pretty sure I'll need a month to go through everything and clean, but trying to do all of that with 2 little ones is tougher than I thought...so who knows how long it will take. What I can tell you is that we will be having a ginormous yard sale before long! Make plans, buy tickets, tell friends - it's going to be an event.
SO much more to say, but not enough time to say it. I have lots of things on my agenda today - which reminds me...anyone want to come climb on my roof and take down my Christmas lights? It's a nice sunny day!
Ahhh sunshine. It's really warmed up in Phoenix (I know, 50 to 75 is way different than below zero to "hey I see light! but you know what I mean!!) and I'm loving having light and sunshine and the feeling that spring is coming!!
MUSIC! I forgot to mention music. When I requested the same thing on my blog I got tons of great suggestions but my favorite so far is Mae. I think you'd love it too.
Also, thanks to iTunes I discovered iNine and I really like them!! I'll try to think of other things but I'm sort of relying on other people right now :)
It was so nice to (re)meet you on Sunday!
I am getting closer to loving the weather, but I get frustrated when it's sunny but still chilly. I'm always afraid I'll catch a cold and then be sick for when the REALLY nice weather hits.
I've been thinking of having a yard sale, too. Spring fever combined with preparing for new baby.
I can't wait for the springtime weather to hit!!!!
How are you??
(This is Lisa deHoyos Itri) I found you on the Timpview reunion website. Your family is so cute! I know we didn't hang out everyday or anything, but I always enjoyed your company and goofing off in class with you, so I'm going to add you to my link list so I can check up on you from time to time. You look great!
Jewels, what the heck? You have lived in that neighborhood all this time and you just met Jenny Eckton...do you ever leave your house? Venture out for a walk around the block perhaps? My goodness:) Oh, and if you find someone to take your lights down let me know! Brook took my previous lights down in August! They were blue and he said he wanted to leave them up for the 4th of july. NIce eh?
Yes. Nice weather is good. Let's just say that after today, I have started my tan lines (gasp!). Oh yeah- sunny and 75.
As for tunes. I have only this to suggest: Vampire Weekend. I know, the name does not sound sunny, but the music is and I dare say that I predict by the summer they will be everywhere. Note it now! It's great stuff.
So I see...you've been sent to the dungeon to work on Sundays. What did you do to get on the bishop's bad side? I just teasing :)
Interesting to know.
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