I have things to do. I do - I promise. My book arrived late so I still have to get to that, lunch must be made and my kids need to be dressed - I just don't really want to do them. SO! Instead I am taking a page from about 7 other friends' blogs and asking you to leave your favorite memory of you and me (Me! It's all about ME!) in my comments. Doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, any memory will do. And because I am radical, I will return the favor on your blog. Remember away!
Dude I can't pick just ONE!
Ok maybe I can. We were driving down University Lane in Peppy laughing so hard about "crapping a brick . . . or the world . .. or a bank" that we had to pull over.
I love you.
Well, let's see--when we would made cookies together? Or Halloween costumes?! (Remember the devil costume, and the mermaid . . .) Or maybe every time we shop together. Or maybe today; maybe it was ALL the beyond wonderful feelings your blog comment brought out of the past for me. I cannot pick just one, Aramantha! There are too many. XO Always, Mommy
This is Brooke Dowdell (Butler) do you remeber me? I happened across your blog from Alaina's blog. I remember hanging out with you and Cody and Grady at Adams house, swimming and watching movies, and motorcycle riding...oh the days.
Hmmm...I remember a lot of things from art class in Junior high...telling you the whole story of the movie "Cats Eye" written by Stephen King. (How annoying of me..and nice of you to put up with it) and both of us deciding not to talk at all for an entire hour in class and instead make noises and gestures whenever we would communicate because we found it entertaining. For some reason those two stick out the most for me.
I honestly can't name one. What the?
How do you narrow down like 15 years of MEMORIES??
Girl's nights have to rank among my favorites in recent past...shutting down Ruby River and being hit on by a manager with our babies in their car seats sitting ON OUR TABLE.
And oh. It's so stupid to be jealous over this, but my heart melts every time your mom leaves a comment. Just wanna cry.
I hope my girls and I can be like that someday...
Hi! Not sure if you will remember me via Kara + Jason or not, but I'm friends with them and recently Kara randomly sent me an email saying that I should check out your blog b/c she thought I would love it! And indeed she was right! You are a riot of a writer, and you have mad skills in the creative department. I'm most impressed. So, onto your request with a memory, I have two of them. #1-you were always so friendly + nice to me when I'd see you at the University Ward, and #2-the "art room" in your parents house (I saw it when we went on a Utah trip with Kara and Jason). I was sooo in love with it, and have dreamed of having one for over 10 years now. True story. So, naturally, I loved your post on that topic! Take care and if you have no clue who I am, maybe refer to Kara for a refresh! :) Laterrrrrrrr
Oh where do I begin, we have soooo many memories together. Do you remember that time I came and saw you do the Thrillionairs show? That was great! Or when I saw you at Ann's house. Ya, that was so fun! He he, perhaps we should actually meet for real sometime, then we'll have something to remember.
Oh, those sweet days of yore in Mr. Hatch's Geometry class. I think we had way too much fun in there... and every time I get my hair highlighted I think of "tiger stripe". Good times, good times!
Wow! Where to start! I remember making up a dance/skit to "girl for all seasons" from Grease 2 and wanting to do it at a assembly our freshman year lol! I remember going to movies 8 and looking for guys! I remember calling Kevin and Greg and asking them if they liked us and being really funny! Good times, good times!
So I'm not that far into the book but I am already sooooo bugged with Bella! If you have this man that you are supposedly so in love with, can't wait to be together forever, wouldn't you be so thrilled about the wedding??? Why is she not dying to marry Edward?! Edward!! Who doesn't want to marry Edward? Anyway, she be making me angry...
Oh, I must leave a memory...I remember when we baked (and you decorated) a splendid birthday cake for my Mom's bday. If you had any clue what a crazy demanding person she is you would know just how much that meant to me:)
My memory of you is... when I first started dating Marty and you guys would joke back in forth until you were both crying with laughter. I would look at both of you with big eyes and a wide gapping smile mouth and wish I could be as funny and clever as you Julia! Love you!
oh boy...this is tough! there are too many memories!!! NuSkin...Adam's Cabin...Lake Powell...many Halloweens together....hmm...
ok so today it rained and it was a good enough storm to remind me of the late night rain storm we had at your house and we ran out onto the street and played in it forever and had so much fun! It was like midnight, but a warm rain! I played in the rain with my boys today and thought of you!
I'm saving my FAVORITE memory of you for you birthday post, but in the mean time.... The girls trip to California... past one running up and down the streets, lots of hugs and rushed talking like we hadn't talked in decades! That was so fun!
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