I keep telling myself that next week will be better - next week I won't have rehearsals every night (because my show opened last night! Yay!), I'll have more time to work on my house (we're putting it back on the market) and plan my Halloween party. Not to mention spending more time with the boys, laundry, meals, etc. I've been spreading myself a bit thin lately and it's starting to catch up with me...in the form of a cold. My whole family has been sick and I think it's finally taking it's turn with me. Blegh. I think I'll be ok for the show tonight, but it's no surprise that I need some rest. And treats. Treats always make you feel better, right?
Stress! I have a Super Saturday coming up and ten million projects to finish. Not to mention, being a wife and mommy on top of everything else. Hang in there friend! If I lived near ya, I'd bring over some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Mmmmmmm cookies (that was in my Homer Simpson voice)
Sugar is totally the best cure for a cold.
And I am a firm believer that one can blow a fuse in their head. You handle your crazy busy life beautifully, if you ask me :)
Have fun performing tonight!
Amen sista! I blow fuses all the time... and the best part is that they can be fixed! Good luck with everything. It's a crazy time of year!
You were amazing last night. I had no idea you weren't feeling well. Let me make you pumpkin bars and we'll lock the children up and talk Halloween!
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